I have my first ever consultation tomorrow. I’m just wondering what the process is up to the surgery… Do I see a surgeon tomorrow? Or a nurse then go back to see a surgeon? Was hoping to have my ba in three weeks?
I had my first consultation with pc (patient coordinator) 2 and a bit weeks ago then met surgeon 2 days later, preop last Wednesday and boobies today!!!! Good luck 🙂 xxx
Started the application for finance at my initial consultation then had to bring bank statements with me when I had my surgeon appointment. Found out the following Wednesday it had through (only with my partner as a guarantor) once I found out it had gone through I paid the £500 deposit 🙂 xx
I paid the deposit that day and then paid the rest the next day I think it was as it all has to be paid 3 weeks b4 surgery if your not doing finance. xx
I met my PC, surgeon a day later and had my op three weeks later. I paid upfront and they ask for full payment 56 days before surgery but if its a late booking then they’re flexible, I cleared my balance 8 days before my op X