Stupid question but need to know?! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Really stupid question but I need to no lol. I am 4 weeks post opp have no cleavage still what so ever hoping that when I can finally wear a bra it will give me a push up. But… my boobs won’t push together due to the stiffness. Do they get soft enough so I can push them up in a bra and how many weeks if they Do? And as anyone else got no cleavage feel like I haven’t even had a boob job when I have a low cut top on ???




    It all depends on how your cleavage/ gap was before, if you had a massive gap naturally you will still have a big gap, although when they settle you will be able to use a push ip bra to get a good cleavage xx

    Stacey 498

    Your gap won’t change from pre op Hun but yes they soften up my took till about 12 weeks post op to soften up enough to push them together but everyone is different and so people’s boobs soften up sooner xxx

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