Sunbathing! Advise please Started by: Anna

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  • Anna 9

    Hi girls,
    Just wondering what the best thing is to do, to protect your scars?
    Use suncream under your bikini?
    Wear a top over your bikini for added protection?
    Use suncream and then put a bandage strip over the suncream?!
    Thanks in advance! X

    Dee 1

    Hi my surgeon told me I could use factor 30 lip balm over my scars, I had uplift with implants two weeks ago and go on holiday when I’ll be 11 weeks po. He said keep re applying it as you would do your normal sunscreen and keep bikini top on don’t expose scars to the sun for at least a year post op. Hope this helps x

    Dazzelea 92

    Thanks Dee for that I’ll be 11 weeks too when I go on holiday I’ll go and getsome30 lip balm x

    Gemma B 95

    I was told factor 50 on scars even under bikini for at least a year post op xxx

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