Sunbed Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    What is the soonest people have been using sunbed ??
    I went on twice just for 6 mins…22 days post op!
    Been reading a couple of things on here about if your boobs turn pink (due to burning) then they stay permanently that colour… I haven’t burnt though…!! And also I have been keeping incisions completely covered, and keeping bra on but taking straps down…. Does this void any after care?? I am so anxious to know, even been ringing the nurses, but nobody is getting back to be !! x

    Zoe Jordan 17

    If you were worried about the consequences after, perhaps you shouldn’t have done it? I think they say six weeks post op you can resume things like that. I had a post op check the other day and although I don’t use sunbeds, I was told to avoid them for six weeks.
    I’m sure 12 minutes won’t have had a dramatic impact.


    I know what your saying, and it was probably not the best thing to do ! Working in a hairdressers where they have them being used all the time doesn’t help. Had a night out planned on sat and didn’t want spray tanning. Again stupid at the time, and all being well 12 mins shouldn’t have dramatic effect x


    I think it’s more hygiene why you have to avoid them, so as long as your healed then I wouldn’t worry, especially if you’re keeping them covered xxx

    Jodie 1

    I love been back using sunbeds since 8 days post op , kept incisions covered until 6 week check , I’m now 9 weeks and don’t cover them and haven’t for 3 weeks , if you are an experienced tanner post op the your boobs shouldn’t burn , mine haven’t nor have my scars darkened .. I just rub vitamin e oil into them and all over my boobs each night xx

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