Sunbeds? Fake tan? Started by: Tracy

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  • Tracy 30

    Hi girls!! Have my BA next week the 13th May and I’m just wondering what’s the rules on using sunbeds and fake tan? How long before you have to stop using them? The nurse I saw mentioned about not putting fake tan on my chest area but said my arms and legs were fine if I really must. Just not looking forward to being really pale I hate it. Does anyone else have more info on it? X

    Sharna 37

    I was told 2 weeks before & 2 weeks after no fake tan or sunbeds then at my 1 week check the nurse said I was allowed to tan my arms and legs just stay away from incisions 🙂 xx

    Jessica 42

    I was told no fake tan for a week pre op and then two weeks post op. I’ve not used any for over a week now and I’ve been a right misery. I hate being pale xx

    Tracy 30

    Ah right! I just don’t want to turn up with tan on my arms and legs and also wanted to tan my face and the surgeon say he won’t do it because I’ve got tan on. Really not sure what to do about it ? @sharna

    Tracy 30

    Awwh I’m going to be really miserable having none on what so ever!! I’m hoping I can just have some on my face at least @jessica xx

    Jessica 42

    I picked up some soap and glory wash off tan in boots the other day, maybe you could use something like that until your op and then just use nothing on the day as we can’t wear make up or moisturiser the day of surgery. I don’t want to risk not being able to have my op. Xx

    heidi 32

    I thought false tan is OK so long as it isn’t on your neck-waist down. I was planning on tanning just my face…can’t stand being bare!haha. I’m having my pre op tomorrow so I’ll ask and see what they say.xx

    Megan 13

    I got told no fake tan what so ever especially on your face as they need to see the true colour of your skin, I’m guessing for oxygen levels ect xxx

    Megan 13

    & no moisturiser on any part of your body so I doubt they will allow fake tan, one lady did mention on here that she went in with minimal fake tan and individual eyelashes and they told her she would need to remove them before surgery xxx

    Ruby 19

    I got told no tan atall 2 weeks before and after, and no sunbeds as they ripple the implant but can’t remember how long for x

    Emma 16

    I think you have to avoid your face with it hun. It’s so they can see if you’re skin pallor has changes for circulation stuff. I was told i need every bit of fake tan off my body for the op but that i could sun bed up til the day before x

    Rhian 34

    I was told no fake tan 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after also not aloud to moisturise or exfoliate the day before op!!! xx

    Jessica 42

    These new boobies better be worth it, we’re all going to look a treat the morning of surgery xx

    Jade 4

    I scrubbed all mine off the day before, my op was 7 days ago but couldn’t get in with the nurse till Wednesday 🙁 so I’ve been so horrible and pale! I’m planning on tanning on Wednesday night so I can wash it all off on the Thursday morning, cannot WAIT! I was naughty when I had my surgery and wore foundation and mascara they never said anything tho x

    danielle 18

    I went on sun beds right up to the day before my op and was back on em 7 days after, just made sure I kept a bra n a top rolled up over my boobs. A girl on here put a tip to roll a towel up n hold it over your boobs so they don’t tan but your back still dose 🙂


    My op is on the 12th and I hate not being able to wear fake tan! Have been exfoliating like mad to get it all off, my nurse said fake tan can get the wound infected which is why they tell you not to wear it.
    I’ve been using Mac body and face foundation which is doing the trick for now.. But I can’t wait until I can safely use tan again 🙂 hope your op goes well Hun! Xx


    Ive got my BA on the 13th too! im still having sunbeds and using tan atm, going to scrub all my fake tan off this weekend as i hate being pale also ! x

    Tracy 30

    Thanks for all the comments girls. Think I’m just going to go bare. I’m going to hate every minute of it. Ah well at least I should wake up with nice new boobies 😀 which hospital are you at @georgia xx

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