Sunburn and boobies Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie 27

    Girls be extra extra careful in the sun once after your ba. They weren’t lying when they said your skin is extra sensitive and needs a high factor suncream or covering up. I NEVER burn usually in England or when I’m abroad and this happened today in the park with the kids. Put factor 50 on and was in the sun about 2 hours. I’m so so sore now. Just want to warn girls how sensitive this part of our bodies really are.

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    Chloe 122

    Omg factor 50!!

    Natalie 27

    I had to buy some Ive never ever used factor 50 and so glad I did if I didn’t I would have been even worse. I used factor 5 tanning oil on my legs and they are fine not burnt at all. I can’t believe how burnt my chest is I just wanted to warn other girls that it’s so sensitive and really needs looking after. I’ve slapped on some aftersun so hopefully will have gone down a bit by tomorrow

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