Support bra Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls please help, I had my op on Friday and I’m completely strapped up and won’t get to see boobs until next week, I took my Macom bra to hospital but nurse says its fine to go bra less until I get strapping off as I’m getting all support u need, however I chose to sleep with the bra but it hurts and am wondering if you girls think I can get away without it until Thursday. Xx

    Misfion 3

    I only wore strapping for the first week. Sometimes I put a crop top/macom type thing on to stop my nipples rubbing on my clothes during the day when I was out and about lol. I took my support bra to the nurses appointment 1 week po and popped it on for the first time once she took my strapping off 🙂 xxx


    Thank you so much I was panicking that the nurse was wrong and I really had to wear it thank goodness now I can keep it off until the strappings off, yay thanks xxx

    Misfion 3

    I don’t know how you managed to get them into a bra with the strapping on – well impressed 🙂 I would have got myself into a right state trying to get one on xxx


    With great difficulty lol won’t be doing that again haha xxx


    I was the same jade, when I left the Highgate on weds nite the nurse told me to put my support bra on top of my strapping, I had no sleep what so ever on weds nite because of being so uncomfortable. When I got home Thurs I rang the nurse + she said told me to take it off, as u don’t need to wear it when u r strapped up, because yr boobs ain’t going anywhere. I will be glad when Thursday comes to get this strapping off, as getting really agitated with it now x x


    Thanks Hun, It really was such a struggle getting it on and am so relieved now that I can try and get a peaceful nights sleep without it 🙂 xxx

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