Surgeon consultation Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi ladies,
    I’ve got my first consultation with Dr Kazzazi tomorrow (week later than expected as my appointment was cancelled last Monday ? )
    I was just wondering what to expect, I’m writing a list of all the questions I have for him but I’ve seen some girls mention taking different clothes to try on? Will I be given ricers etc to try on at the consultation and how long will it last? Will I be able to try a few? This forums been super helpful so far with researching etc so they’re just last few little questions I have, any advice would be helpful ? xx

    Ps ignore the other topic with the same name I tried to edit and somehow ended up posting it twice ?

    Claireb2 18

    Hey’! So the surgeon will ask your current bra size and the size that you wish to go to post op they will then examine you and take measurements and suggest a couple of sizes in cc (which is grams) which will suit your body type as well as what they can fit . They will give you some implants to try and give you a bra and top to put on so you can get a rough idea of sizing . You can then decide which size you want based on what they have suggested . It might be worth asking what’s the biggest you can go that will achieve your size without risk of rippling sagging etc . If you are unsure get them to order a couple of sizes and you can have a think about the size you want up until your day of surgery . As for the rice you can then go home and do a rice test based on the cc they have suggested so you can get more of an idea . They will offer a profile as well which is the implant projection comes in moderate , moderate plus , high profile , ultra high profile normally based on the width of your chest so get them explain that to you! My consultation lasted as long as I needed it to my surgeon was lovely and really took the time to explain everything! Best of luck! Xx


    @claireb2 thankyou that’s really helpful! Didn’t know if I was meant to pack a load of my own clothes to see how they would fit but can see that doing at home might be easier! I’ve got Dr Kazazzi who from reading other girls posts on here isn’t the chattiest man in the world but I’ve heard he’s super experienced and knows exactly what he’s talking about so fingers crossed he’ll be able to tell me what I want to hear and I don’t feel too rushed or pushed into anything

    Claireb2 18

    I’ve read good things about him ! Have you read up on different placements of breast implants ? So depending on how much breast tissue you have he will decide whether to go under the muscle , partially under the muscle or over the muscle , might just be worth looking into them as he will know which one is best for you but then it’s always worth just knowing why they’ve picked it so you’re fully informed! You could take a top of your own if you wanted to try the implants with to get a better idea ! Hope it all goes well! Xx


    Yes I’ve spent hours of my life on this forum and reading about the difference between unders/overs etc, it’s taken over ? I’m not sure what to go with, I’m quite a gym lover with weights so overs is best for that but then I really want to be very natural so unders would be best… But I know the dr will tell me what he thinks would be right for me. I think I might just take one top with me and see how that goes @claireb2

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