Surgeon consultation Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 105

    Just wondering when you girls had your surgeon consultation did you go on your own or did you bring someone? Don’t know whether to bring my mam along because I know you get to try on sizers xx

    Amy 74

    I went on my own but you can always take someone with you if you want to! x

    San 20

    I went on my own too but it would have been nice to have someone there x

    Bethanie 24

    Hey Jessica,

    I took my mom with me but she didn’t come in the room with me as I wanted to be on my own. But it was nice to have her there to show her the pictures of me wearing the implants and have someone to chat to as I was so excited afterwards!
    I have been on my own to my other appointments but it’s just nice to have someone there waiting for you, even if they don’t come in. Xx


    I took my sister with me, I wanted her honest opinion as well! I also felt more comfortable with her there with me! X

    Olivia 30

    I went on my own just because I didn’t want loads of opinions thrown my way, I wanted to make my own decision so I didn’t started doubting myself if someone had a different opinion to the size etc… I brought my sister to my actual surgery and my post op consultations though xx

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