Surgeon consultation Started by: Lisa

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  • Lisa

    Hi, my surgery is booked for 21st February and I am meeting my surgeon on the 21st December and was just wondering what to expect.

    Chantelle 14

    Hi lisa. I seen my surgoen then book my op. He asked me some questions. Like how long have you wanted this. Do you smoke. How many sizes would you want to go. Etc. Then i tried 3 different sizes and just went for the biggest i got offered. Im 5,2 and 9st. Im having 350cc with uplift. I have to go back to see him for more information if there going under or over etc. Ill be seeing him again on the 19 jan. Your op so close to the dates of seeing him you will get all the information told be sure to write whats needed down to ask. As i left and wanted to ask more but lucky im going to see him again xxx


    Hi, am I supposed to be taking pictures with me to show the surgeon what I like? Will he tell me things like what size recovery bra I will have to get once I’ve chosen a size?

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