So I had my consultation with the surgeon earlier tonight. Really liked him and didn’t feel rushed at all to make any decisions. I’m really petite, wear a size 4/6 and am a 30A right now hoping to end up a full C. He recommended 255,285 or 310cc, round under the muscle and Extra high profile. Has anyone had anything similar and could attach some before and afters or any thoughts on how these would turn out??
The only thing that was holding me back is that I’ve only seen a couple examples of this surgeons work online – he said he doesn’t like showing pictures in consultations as everyone’s results are so specific to their own body and can lead to false expectations. Thought this would have put me off but i actually think he has a point! Has anyone else’s surgeons been like this? He has 20+ years experience so feel like I’ll be in safe hands.
Sorry for the massive paragraph but took in so much info tonight feel like I need some advice!! Xx