Surgeon pen marks Started by: Jess Pixie

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    Hey girls! I had my BA on Monday and I still can’t get the pen marks off me from when I was drawn on before surgery! I don’t want people to think I haven’t washed haha. Do any of you have any tips on getting it off? Xxx


    It took me ages to get mine off haha. I used baby wipes and then mild soapy water lol xx


    Glad I’m not the only one haha! I just don’t want people to think I haven’t had a wash! Thank you xxx


    Oh my god they’re a nightmare aren’t they! That and sticky stuff where my bandages were stuck in place! I’ve been told to try aqueous cream? Xxx


    Hi i used nail varnish remover, it worked. I put some on a cotton bud and it came straight off xxx

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