SURGERY Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi my consultation is booked in for next saturday with my PC and will be aiming to book my consultation with the surgeon for the start of may aswell.

    I would quite like to have the surgery sooner rather than later to stop me thinking about it everyday.

    How quick after meeting the surgeon can the surgery be done??

    Could it be done the same month??

    TBaker 21

    Hi @chelseanicholls after meeting the surgeon you have to wait 2weeks for surgery as they call it the cooling off period in case your rushing into it. If you feel you need it done ASAP to stop you overthinking, maybe you need to think about it a little longer and make sure it’s definitely something you want. The worst thing you could do is rush it all then regret everything xxxxx


    I do want the surgery for sure.

    The only thing im actually overthinking is the anaesthetic as im abit scared of being under anaesthetic.

    TBaker 21

    You’ll be fine, I think it says in the paper work to discuss your concerns about that to your pre op nurse.

    What consultant are you seeing? Xxx

    Daisy pleace 21

    Hiya hun I had my first appointment 3 weeks ago and then saw the surgeon last week and booked in for the 10th of May 🙂


    My consultation is this coming saturday but have no idea who im seeing. Im still checking out pictures to figure out what size to go.

    Can they do surgeries on saturdays??

    Did either of you take the finance option or bank loan??

    Olivia 14

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    Hey I had my pc consultation on Saturday and booked my surgery for June. I’m having my surgery on a Sunday so pretty sure they’ll do it on a Saturday or just depends on what surgeon your going with. I went for a bank loan as it was cheaper then the finance option xx

    Jodie 70

    Hi Chelsea at your first consultation there is an option to pay a deposit to reserve a certain date if that’s what you are thinking about doing. Take your time and think about your options, research your surgeons etc.. It is possible to get surgery sorted quickly xx

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