Surgery 15th feb London Wellbeck Started by: Mollie

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  • Mollie 21

    I’ve got my surgery booked for 15th feb. It was meant to be at the Fitzroy but got told at my pre op on Wednesday I was going to be at new Victoria but now I’ve had a phone call today saying it’s London Wellbeck . Anyone else had the same? It’s been abit confusing to be honest


    Hi Mollie, This is reassuring for me but not really much help sorry 😬 My surgery was booked for tomorrow and at my pre op the nurse spoke about the change of hospitals to the New Victoria but confirmed my surgery would still take place at the Fitzroy then Wednesday I had a call to say that it’s been changed to Sunday and moved to the London Welbeck 😬 Which really worried me but I guess it’s just a big transition, will update after mine on Sunday xx

    Mollie 21

    Hey! Oh gosh! Bet that was abit annoying? Are you a day case or staying overnight at the hospital? Mines a day case and we’d booked a hotel when it was fitzroy and then they changed it to new Victoria so we had to cancel that hotel and thankfully got our money back but now I’ve had this call about Wellbeck we could have kept that hotel after all 😭.
    I hope all goes well with your op I’m sure it will! I’ll be thinking of you! 💗

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