Surgery all done! Started by: Laura

  • Author
  • Laura 54

    Can’t believe I’ve done it!

    Admission time 7.30am, first one in, back to my room by 10.15!

    Everyone at Fitzroy has been fantastic, so so lovely!

    Any questions do ask 🙂

    Emma Louise 23

    Glad all went well hun xx


    Glad it went well! How are you feeling?
    Did they give you a rought time of when you can go home? X

    Laura 54

    @thecatisback feeling quite good so far. Just been up to use the toilet and found that a bit more sore but generally not too bad! It isn’t like a stabby pain, it is more achey.

    She said maybe 5pm but I think that is because the surgeon has quite a few to do and will do his final check when he has finished them all 🙂

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