surgery booked Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 19

    30th march with dr gonschior 🙂

    what things do i need to prepare myself? or is it pretty much take the same things as BA?

    Lucy-lou 3

    Hey Amy, I’m all booked in for rhino with Dr.Gonschoir on 30th March too! So ill probably see you there 🙂 how are you feeling? Have you had your pre-op yet? I’m so excited but know the nerves are going to kick in soon!! X

    Amy 19

    @lucyfay wooo i’ll see you there then hunny! 🙂 i’ve just added you, hope you don’t mind. i’m having my pre-op on wednesday, i’m so excited. i’ve not had my surgeons consultation yet so i’ve not even met him yet. i’m having that on wednesday too 🙂 x

    Lucy-lou 3

    Thanks for the add hun, how exciting! Yeah I’ve got mine on Sat eek! You’ll really like him when you meet him- he’s very approachable, explained everything to me inside out and heard so many amazing reviews of him. Best of luck for your consultation and pre-op xx

    Amy 19

    i had my pre-op which was pretty much the same as when i had my ba apart from i never had bloods taken with my ba 🙂

    when i had my surgeon consultation he said that id be better off with open for the work that i want done but he doesn’t see why i want doing what i want haha. i had originally paid for closed rhino but i’ve changed to open now as i want to be able to have similar to what i’m aiming for rather than having minimal work done to not be as happy with it 🙂 i just need to start buying prep for it now! not long to go 🙂

    good luck for the 6th march hunny @katieanne0327 xx

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