Surgery booked! Size 8 flat Acup getting 300cc under the muscle im 5ft 4 Started by: Daisy

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  • Daisy 12


    I’m am so excited met my surgeon and he offered me the size I wanyed 300cc.
    I have no boobs don’t even fill an Acup and am aiming for a full C to a D.
    Just putting the feelers out for pics from someone with similar stats.
    Surgery is booked for November and I just can’t wait! Also what do I need to take with me. On surgery day? Any tips would be great!!! Recovery too
    Thanks in advance! X

    Veronica 12

    Hey I have my surgery in November too ! We have made a group chat on WhatsApp with other girl who have their surgery in November ! If you send me your number I will add you to the chat xx

    Emma 28

    Can I ask who your surgeon is? I was wanting 300cc and been told by one surgeon today max they be happy is 275CC I just felt the look small when I tried them on today! I’m 5ft 5 and measure 32a and size 8 clothes, my problem is I don’t have much skin and my rib cage doesn’t sit right so with 275 il find they will be to the side more I felt like maybe I should just accept my tiny boobs! I do have another appointment but with a different surgeon for peace of mind

    Jenna 1

    My stats are very similar to yours! I’m size 6/8 5ft 3 and was a very flat 32b, I had 300cc high profile partials back in June and I love them! Measuring a 32DD now!
    I totally underestimated how painful it would be, I literally couldn’t use my arms for 4/5 days following surgery so make sure there’s someone around to help you! After that tho things got better quite quickly and I was driving again by 7 days!
    Take very baggy clothes that zip up or button up at the front to travel home in and some mints as your mouth feels horrible after the anaesthetic! Any other questions feel free to ask! Good luck xx

    Daisy 12

    Hay Emma I’m seeing Dr sleiter he was so lovely, professional and answered all my questions. I’m not sure why you’d of been offered that but I always think they know best the surgeons. As I was told at first id only be offered 250-275 but he said I could have 300 but he wouldn’t want to go any bigger. Sorry not much help hun! Wish you all the best xx

    Emma 28

    Hi daisy thank you for answering me! I’m booked in now with him for a 2nd opinion as I was wanting 300CC I knew they be unders as I’m so small. And he done my cousins surgery not so long ago and offered her them so hoping my second one is a better appointment! My first one I was told granny bra’s for a year!

    Daisy 12

    Thankyou jenna, I really can’t wait now! I just want to be organised haha! And it’s the little things you never think of. Like driving that is a worry as I need to drive for work well too and from and hoping I can once I’m back.
    Silly question but when can shower or bath as I’ve read some people being told they can’t for weeks and I’m a 2 showers a day kind of person lol.
    Thanks hun xx

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Daisy 12.
    Daisy 12

    Goodluck Emma!! I. Hope you get the boobs you want lol! Xx

    Cole 24

    I know this chat was a while ago, everyone seems to have similar stats just wondering what size everyone decided on. I go in on 14th November x 300 or 325 not decided fully yet xx

    Daisy 12

    I’ve decided 300cc hun and only 38days til surgery!!!! So excited! Goodluck hun!! Xx

    Steph 31

    My surgery is booked 5th November I have Similar stats as you and I’ve been advised 285cc surgeon wouldn’t take me too 300cc
    I’m praying they will be just right…..the surgeon knows best I suppose. X

    Annie 4

    Hi Ladies, my surgery isn’t till 4th Feb ???? but I have similar stats (5ft5, flat 32a/b, size 8, 54 kg and my surgeon has recommended 300cc dual plane round unders. I’m also not sure this is big enough but I agree with Steph that the surgeon knows best.
    Anyone have any idea on recover time? I’m supposed to be going away for a week on the 11th March and not sure if I will be up to it?
    Considering bringing my date forward but the only other dates my surgeon has available is 28 November (thought that wasn’t a good idea as just before Christmas party season) or 2nd Jan which wipes out a bit NYE potentially!
    Anyone have any advice on this? X

    Laura 2

    Hi, I was a 32A, size 6, 47kg, 5ft 1 and had 300cc teardrop unders beginning of October and currently measuring 32D before drop and fluff. This site won’t let me upload pics!

    Cole 24

    @sillybear can I be added please I have my surgery on 14/10 and I’m debating going back to my surgeon I’ve got pre op on Saturday I’m so confused

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