Surgery bra size Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Just wondering if you have to buy your post op bra in a back size up from what you normally are? I’ve just bought the M&S post surgery bra and I’m normally a 32 so that’s the size I went for. However it’s so tight on me and difficult to do up and I haven’t even had the op yet!! Do I need to get 34 back?

    Jamie 55

    Hey I think everyone is different, depending on how much you swell, I started as a 34a, and was told to buy a 36d/e for post op, but they were huge so swapped them and have always stayed in two 34d size m and s post op bras, hey we’re quite tight but I felt more secure with them tighter xx


    I would say that if a 32 back is a struggle now definitely buy a 34, I had under muscle implants so my all back and surrounding muscles were painful and sore for days, if you get that too you don’t want any extra tight bra as it’ll only cause grief. I got the Macom bra it’s pricey but so, so comfortable and great boob support.

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