SURGERY BRAS Started by: Meg

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  • Meg 10

    hi girls,

    I’m in for surgery the 18th of Nov in London, I’m so baffled with the bras. I was told with Malcom bras to get a size bigger because of swelling, I’ve heard the m and s ones are good as well, I’m currently 36A/B, I’m having 400 or 425 cc, would anyone know Roughly what size bra I should go for in m and s? I know there done by back size and cup, but I wouldn’t know what cup size to go for ???? thanks Xx

    Amy Hope 7

    I’m a small 32 band and bought small macom bras. They fit fine even with swelling around the band but dug in my right boob a bit because it was really high and swollen, so I bought the black and pink M&S one in a 34DD. I find the bands tight on them bras and not as stretchy as macom.
    You can’t predict how much swelling you’ll have but I bloated horrifically lol so was uncomfortable for me at first when sitting as the bands dug in the top of my tummy, but my boobies needed support so I just put up with it.
    Your best bet is buy a macom that fits now, then get one or two backup bras and take them with you. I did this originally with a 32DD but my nurse chose the macom so I returned and exchanged the M&S one x

    Jo 13

    I’ve gone for the M&S bras, I’m 1 month post op and am pleased with my choice. I measure 28 inches around my back and I’m wearing a 34 size M&S bra. Their back sizes seem a bit small! I tried on a 32 before I hadn’t surgery and I could hardly do it up.
    I’m in a D cup, I was an A before surgery. My surgeon estimated that I’d be a D or an E cup so I bought a D, DD and E cup M&S bras. I kept the tags in all of them and bought them about a week before surgery so make sure I could get refunds on the ones that didn’t fit.
    After surgery the nurse will help you into a bra, and make sure it fits properly for you.


    I got told to keep the band the same size and just go up a cup size that you asked for….I got a medium in the macom bra for 400cc from an A cup and I wear a 34 band, then I also got a 34 DD in the M&S sports bra as I asked for a D….I lived in my macom bra and would change to the M&S now and again and both fit perfectly! I lived in my M&S sports bra and still sleep in it now. One of my macom bra straps actually snapped!!! Around a month post op maybe? I was so annoyed as it wasn’t even tight and it wasn’t cheap…but! It was soooo comfy in the beginning for when you first get them done and you’re tender it’s a lot softer and nicer to wear than the M&S I had to wait to wear that until it was comfy xx

    Mum1 7

    I am currently just over 5 weeks post op. I had an uplift, 280cc implants and fat transfer. I lived in m&s sports bra and it was so comfortable 36dd then bought 36E as I was bursting out of DD . I also had a macom but didn’t feel it offered much support at first. However, about 2 weeks ago my boobs started to soften / less swollen and I found the m&s one so uncomfortable and my boobs were so sore, so swapped for macom which was a huge relief at first but then my boobs felt too heavy for it, I was in agony. Anyway long story short I bought a sports bra from Sainsbury’s (£14) a few days ago and all my boobie troubles have vanished. The Sainsbury’s ones are a little bigger than m&s ones too so I’m back in a 36dd.

    Meg 10

    Thank you so much girls!!!!! Literally life savers Xxx


    Hi Mum1, how was the recovery with the fat transfer? My surgeon suggested it, but worried if it will be painful after.


    I really like the Macom ones, they are really comfortable and super supportive.
    Also easy as you dont need to guess your cup size, its just based on the back size.
    I’m actually selling a black medium (34) on ebay if anyone interested. I also have a beige coloured large (36) which I haven’t listed on ebay yet:

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Erika Morris.

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