Hi Girls!
I’m scheduled for surgery on 20th July and I’m a bit panicked over well… EVERYTHING, but i’ll keep this as short as I can. I feel like I’m a bit in the dark about what happens on surgery day. Do I need to take my own bra to be put in to post-op or do they give you a surgery bra on the day? Thought they may do due to fabrics not being sterile etc when brought from home.
If I do need to take one what Bras have you found best? I appreciate Macom is recommended, however, i’ve heard they can be quite uncomfortable. Am I ok getting a front fastening sports bra/post op bra? I’d like to avoid spending a fortune at first until I know my proper size as I’m currently a AA cup and I’m having 600cc implants!
Any WEB links to good/comfortable bras would be really appreciated. x
Hey i wiuld definitly go for a post op bra rather than having to choose a soze in the shop sports bras with you having that big an implant. The post op bras you just buy your back size and the cups expand to up to a HH cup. I have a macom but the material was so harsh for the first week or so and couldnt wear it if i was to do it again inwould go for the recova post op bra they look so comfy and are a better shape x
Hi Hun you have to take your own bra in I also had 600cc implants nearly 4 weeks ago and I bought the mya post op bras super comfy xxxx
I’m having my op on the 14th July, I’ve bought the mya bras as I’m not sure what size I will be after the operation, with swelling etc. Iv seen on this forum that they are quite comfy too. Xx
I bought the post op bra in medium(I’m normally a 32 but due to swelling I went a little bigger . I got mine from Asda as I had seen it recommended on here. I’ve had no problems at all with it. I have an m and ‘s 34dd which I bought recently that I will try on when my dressings come off on Tuesday xx
Hi Lindsay where are you having your surgery done? I’m booked for the 20th at Preston with Mr traynor, I’ve gone for the Mya post op bras and got them in the post a few days ago, super comfy to wear and are a little lower than other post op bras so you can’t really see it over your tops etc x
Thank you alll for your help! I have purchased 2 bras today so just have to wait for them to arrive now. I didn’t want to leave it much later as I know I’ll blink and it’ll be the day before Op!
Stacey, you were a B before right (sorry stalked your profile)? If so I imagine 600ccs weren’t too much of a squeeze. Im a bit apprehensive as I am currently so small and also have tuberous breasts so 600s are going to be a stretch. I only got to try on 350cc in my first consulatation with my PC because she didn’t want to let me try on bigger incase the surgeon said I didn’t have the space for more. So I almost fell off my chair when Dr Traynor said to start at 600cc and work my way back when trying on again! Needless to say 600cc was all I tried as anything smaller would be pointless on my body shape. I can’t wait but not looking forward to the healing process.
Natalie, my Op is in Preston too!! So we may cross paths on the day. I’ve requested 11am admission time but that’s not guaranteed apparently. Have you had your pre-op?
I was Lindsay o was a 38b 36c befor hand yeah o also had my traynor he’s brilliant he wouldn’t of given you that siZe if they wouldn’t for Hun I though there where gonna be to big on me but he promised they wouldn’t and he was right Hun I love them lol he defo knows he’s stuff and o was the same anything smaller wouldn’t look right on my body shape eitherxxx
Oo I’ll add you if that’s ok hun so I can follow your progress, probably will see you on the day! I’ve requested 7am admission time as I’ve got a baby so don’t want to mess up his routine too much at night but like you said it’s not guaranteed and we only find out a couple of days before which is a pain! Yeah I had my pre op a couple of weeks ago and paid my balance off in full on Tuesday so it’s all becoming real now, beyond excited! Rather jealous your having 600cc too 400cc is the max I’m allowed, hoping I don’t get boob greed haha xx
Yes, that would be fab! It’d be lovely to have someone to talk to on the day too. What size are you starting out at? 600cc may sound massive but I’m 5ft 11 and have wide hips so they literally just put me in proportion and give me a waist- Tried posting a pic but the file size is too big. I’m completely flat at the moment though so in that respect it is a huge change.
Are you nervous at all? I’m trying to focus on the end result and not surgery day but I’m already finding it hard to get a restful night’s sleep due to sub-consciously worrying, I think.
They look good Hun look importion they don’t look massive either xxx
Thanks Stacey! I was tempted to ask to go bigger but with not being used to the weight of them I don’t want to end up with back pain.
O that’s a perfect size Hun and tbh I don’t find mine any different in weight I.e don’t feel heavy they feel the same as befor I got them done dunno weather that’s just me tho as a lot of people do say they feel heavy but even the day I had my op they didn’t feel heavy xxx
I had my op on 20th June and I bought the 2 mya bras for £60 and took one with me. They put it on over my strapping before I left. They only do them in black so I’ve been trying to find a white sports bra in the shops and it’s been a nightmare. I’m so glad I paid extra for the mya ones. They come in Small, medium and large and they will tell you what one you need. Although they are expensive I’d go with them as you know they’ve got everything you need for a good recovery. X
I have no weight in the front at all right now, I’m all nipple and not much else. I don’t even really need a bra for my current “boobs” So the 600cc will be a big change for me. I don’t feel comfortable posting before pics just yet (my mum only saw my boobs for the first time in my first PC appointment) but I’ll get a pic in a sports bra before my op and then take another one after for comparison. X
Hayley I ordered 2 bras yesterday and they arrived this morning – gotta love Amazon Sunday delivery! – they fit lovely in the back and they have additional cross back support to correct your posture. They do them in black, white and nude! And the straps have 3 different hooks to adjust those too. It’s front fastening and has 2 sets of hooks for adjustment there as well. I got 2 for £34 including postage and I’ve seen them elsewhere for £38 each!!! I’m really pleased.
M&S have a white post op sports bra that looks really good too so that may be good for you! x
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