Surgery done :) so so happy ! Started by: Leah

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  • Leah 19

    So my surgery is done, I have 350 hp overs, my day has ran perfectly with no delays and I was first in 🙂 I had ms lutz…. I honestly can’t recommend her enough, so many people say she’s rude etc …. I think she’s lovely, she’s straight to the point which is what I think you should expect from a surgeon, but today she’s been amazing, she’s made me laugh made me feel comfortable and I honestly can’t fault her work or her manorisms ! Pain wise, I woke up in a little pain I’d say around 6, they gave me pain relief and I’m managing okay, everything just feels very tight, my breasts look a little cone shaped too lol, but overall my day my exyso far has been Fantastic!

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    emma 40

    Hi Leah, congrats!! They look great already 🙂 do you have to stay overnight? I had my op yesterday just got home, was in quite a lot of main but feeling OK now xxxx

    Leah 19

    Hey Hun no I should be discharged in about an hour and a half, I just got up for the first time… that felt very strange lol, how r u doing Hun ? Pain levels I’d say around a 3/4, and thanks Hun I love them can’t wait to see how they change 🙂 xxx

    sabrina 92

    happy healing x

    Leah 19

    Thank you Sabrina 🙂 just sat with my ice on them it feels bliss 🙂 xx

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