Surgery Friday!!! Started by: Daisy

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  • Daisy 12

    Hay guys!!! So I’m rather over excited now nerves havnt hit me yet!!! But I have my surgery on Friday..
    That feels weird to say something I’ve waited 15years for is only 3days away!! Just after any last minute tips please and what to take with me surgery day! I’m having 300cc partials I’m currently 32-34A hoping for a Dcup xx

    Kaz 4

    Good luck for Friday! My op is Monday, excited but also nervous. I’ve also waited a long time for this – about 20 years so hopefully it’s worth it!

    Emma 28

    Good luck Hun I had my surgery yesterday! Make sure you take your post op bra and s v neck pillow you’ll need it for the car journey and sleep! Snacks for afterwards although they did give me tea and toast with biscuits are you going to Fitzroy? Xx

    Daisy 12

    Ahh thankyou so excited!! Yeah Fitzroy… Dreding any traffic lol x

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Daisy 12.
    Meg 10

    Good Luck!! I had my surgery on Sunday, defo take a pillow for the car, I used a travel neck pillow as well and found it worked a dream! Xx

    Emma 28

    I found traffic in the morning a breeze was simple an easy but coming out was a nightmare took us ages to get out of central London pillow helped though in the car! Xx

    Emma 28

    Me to on Sunday! Who was your surgeon x

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