Surgery in 2 days pictures of 250s Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 18

    Hiya my surgery’s next Tuesday At Preston with Mr Traynor and I’m soooo excited but nervous I’m getting 250s high profile under the muscle and I was wondering if anyone had before and after pictures of theirs from 250s? I’m 5’1 and 7st and a 32A x

    Hanna F 10

    Hi. I’ve had 225cc so slightly smaller and mine is over. I would post a pic but I’m 3 dpo and mine look awful ? they’re so high and look so stuck on. Also I think (hope) they’re swollen as I have what I hope is swelling and not fat or something else under my arms.
    I’m 5’4 and was a 34b.

    Laura 18

    Aww I’m sure when they drop they’ll be lovely are you feeling much pain I know they say unders are more painful but how’s your pain with them being overs?

    Hanna F 10

    Not much pain at all. Occasional stinging where the stitches are or slightly more under my arms (no idea why but I seem to be swollen and tender round to the side) but honestly pain has been fine. I think going smaller and over the muscle helped. Bit tight at times. I feel like I could do most usual activities but I’m trying not to as I’m sure then I’d be in pain. I’m trying not to lift anything but I can move my arms in all directions without issues.
    The worst bit for me was feeling sick and low blood pressure after the general. I had to stay in hospital overnight and struggled to get my blood pressure back over 100 to be allowed home. Sleeping is fine. I’m taking meds but not taking the codeine as I don’t think I need it. A friend told me to take all the meds regularly to start with to stay on top of the pain and I did but after two days I ditched the codeine.

    JessP 6

    Hey, I had 300cc so a little more but i weight roughly 2stone more than you. I had mine done 16th March and they’re still swollen. Looked awful when they were first done but starting to settle now.
    This pic was yesterday so 8days po. (Wont let me load for being too big will keep trying)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by JessP 6.
    JessP 6

    8 days post OP with 300cc HP unders. Still swollen and right dropped slightly quicker than left

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    Laura 18

    They look great ? who was your surgeon x

    Hanna F 10

    They’re dropping really well!

    Hanna F 10

    This is my 225cc at 4dpo

    Hanna F 10

    Oops didn’t load pic

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