Iv got my surgery on Sunday and suddenly getting so scared of the operation. Iv never been under anethesic before sand just freaking out is this normal lol. Also I’m not having second thoughts but just wondering if I’m doing the right thing all my friends are being supportive but just the odd comments from parents I think hoping I’ll change my mind last minute isn’t helping, I think it’s all just last minute nerves! But going on here and reading everyone’s stories does make me feel so much better but then I come off and start worrying again did anyone else feel this way?
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Take a deep breath in and out Clemency Tipney ?
I know exactly what you feel as I’ve got my surgery booked on Sunday too and I’m experiencing weird feelings since yesterday.
But you are going to be fine. Focus only on positive and supportive friends rather than negative comments. It’s your body and your decision. You’re doing it for yourself and you’ll see how jealous everyone who said a negative thing is going to be afterwards ?
Stay positive… not long left…
This is what I’m trying to tell myself.
Only my partner knows about the surgery. I know how bad some people can be so tried to avoid their ‘venom’.
We may see each other in the clinic on Sunday xx
Yea it’s since like yesterday iv started worrying too! I know it’s what I want I’m just suddenly in a little panic about the surgery and other things that could go wrong but your right I do just need to focus on the positives!
Im glad someone is getting it done the same day as me lol I’m not a Mya patient so I won’t be in the same hospital but I will definitely message you on here to see how your getting on! What size and stuff are you getting? Do you know what time your op is yet?
It’s definitely normal to feel apprehensive and to question whether you have made the right decision, I was exactly the same! I was expecting to be really scared and emotional on the day but I felt so at ease at the hospital and all of the staff were just so lovely that it was a breeze. The best advice I can give you is to try to relax and enjoy the experience, it will honestly fly by and be over before you know it and you’ll have your new boobs at last!
I haven’t had mine yet, got it on the 27th and I’m absolutely buzzing! I’ve been under anesthetic once and I was terrified but honestly you don’t even know its happened, one minute you’re having it put in then the next you wake up and it’s all over. Just remember why you’re having it done and how happy you’ll be once it’s all done and dusted with! Good luck with it all!x
Had exactly the same hun it’s normal! Similar to you had never had any surgery before or had GA so was terrified! Honestly though nerves are normal just remember all the positives that outweigh any negatives and remember you’re doing this for you and no one else so their opinions are invalid unless it’s helpful to you. Hoping all goes amazingly well with your surgery looking forward to your updates! Xx
Honestly when you’re going under the anaesthetic you just feel so warm and chilled out, it’s actually quite a pleasant and relaxing feeling as you drift off.
Oh my god thank you all so much that’s already made me feel so much better it’s so nice having somewhere you can speak to people that’s been through the same experience. I am just guna try and enjoy it like you all said and focus on the positives I know I’m being over dramatic about the surgery I’m guna try stop panicking about it as I’m sure it will be fine! I am really excited!!
Definitely make sure you tell the staff about anything you’re worrying about because they can really help you. I told my anaesthetist that I was terrified of being sick off the anaesthetic and pain relief and asked if he could make sure that I had extra antisickness in my cannula and he helped with that. I also told the anaesthetist’s assistant that I was really scared of needles and so she held my hand as the anaesthetist was putting my cannula in. They are honestly so great and help you to feel more relaxed. You will feel so proud of yourself once you wake up!
Clemency they’re going to let me know the admission time on Friday I think.
Do you know your time already?
I’ll have 400cc high profile unders.
I’m bit worrying as put on weight slightly during Christmas and New Year time and I’m wondering how will it affect my results whenI lose it plus I look so bloated and swollen due to getting my period today, swollen boobs…. totally bad time for me…. ? x
Thank you Becca for the advice I think I will say something about the sickness cos I hate being sick and I’m not good with needles either ?.
I just found out today Monica I have to be at the hospital for 2pm but don’t know the actual time of surgery yet.
I’m sure it won’t make to much difference to the look of them cos they suggested the size before you put any weight on so it will look kind of as they expected if you loose it again I’m sure! I have put on weight over Xmas too but I don’t think it will make too much difference. It sucks your on your period for it but hopefully by Sunday it shouldn’t affect the way your feeling to much!
Good thing I got it a few days before instead of the actual day. That would be a nightmare. Yeah, it all should settle down by Sunday . Thanks Clemency.
I hope to be admitted early as waiting would just makes everything so stressful ?
Hope it will go quickly for you too.
Haha seriously, instead of boobies I’ll be thinking abt my weight now ? Great distraction xx
Honestly I am the most cowardly, nervous, squeamish person ever! If I can do this then anyone can! You will do great!
I also gained a bit of weight just before my surgery and then gained even more afterwards over Christmas. I’ve managed to get most of it off now apart from three stubborn pounds that I just can’t seem to shift! It’s annoying because I think being a little bit chubbier right now is making my boobs look smaller in comparison!
Yea I was hoping to be in early but never mind at least I’ll hopefully just sleep most the evening and night after and won’t get to bored as I have to stay in hospital.
I’m really scared of putting on a load of weight after where were not allowed to do any exercise for 6 weeks but I guess I’m just guna have to eat well and get off all these Christmas chocolates ? I know what you mean about them looking smaller cos of weight gain but I’m sure they don’t they probs look nice and proportionate!
Hey lovely! It’s going to be totally fine! I was just the same as you before my BA 4 weeks ago, I’d never had GA before and I was so so scared overthinking it all. I had a massive cry when I got to the hospital but everybody was so lovely about it all trying to make me feel at ease (First Trust Preston). Because I was first admission I couldn’t have a Valium/relaxant but if you tell them as soon as you arrive how nervous you are they will be able to give you something to calm your nerves. You’ll just be talking one minute and waking up with boobs the next!!!
I hope everything goes well for you xxx
I’m also having a breast enlargement on Sunday 13th in London and I’m so nervous I hardly slept a wink last night I’ve never had anaesthetic before either I’m sure it will be fine xx
If you just make sure to let your nurses and anaesthetist know how you feel they’ll definitely try as hard as they can to help you feel calmer! Good luck xx
I know, I’m back on my diet now after Christmas and I’ve been a bit naughty, even though I was told no exercise for six weeks I have been back at the gym just walking on a flat treadmill with no incline at 3mph just to get myself active, my nurse did say that light walking is fine just nothing uphill so I figure it is practically the same!
Aw Sabrina you’ll be fine I know I’m scared to but I’m sure we will be okay and it will be over before we know it!
Thanks Millie for the advice I will see about getting something to make me calmer if they can!
Haha Becca I feel like I’m guna be the same but guna try and restrain myself. How long have you given yihewled before going back to work?
You’re going to miss the whole build up to surgery and the recovery girls!
I’m 2 weeks post op and I’m feelig so down. I miss the whole build up to surgery and i would do it all over again.
I’m not a MYA patient, I went to Spire hospital.
But honestly, the GA is a breeze. Relax and enjoy not having to do anything. Watch loads of Netflix and eat your favourite foods. The only thing I didn’t like was having to sleep elevated, but I’m good to sleep on my back now.
Just remember that when you wake up, you’re going to have new boobs! It will be well worth it! X
I took ages off work as even though I sit at a desk all day I was so worried about having to commute on a busy train crammed full of people in case I got knocked or something. I went back when I was 16 days post op but I am soft and I could probably have gone back way earlier in all honesty!
I am dreading sleeping upright all the time I love wriggling around in my sleep ?
Oh really iv only got a week off before I go back to work. Did they recommend how long you should wait before driving? If any of you drive?
Megan I am also have surgery booked for the 27th who is your surgeon?
Im sure it will all be fine clemency good luck and i hope all goes well for you :-)) x
Good luck everyone, I’m sure everything will be fine. I’m still at the consultation phase, nervous but excited! x
My nurse said don’t drive for five days afterwards but I also left that for 16 days because I felt really nervous about doing it again. When I did start at first it was harder to reach behind me for my seat belt, harder to go into reverse and 5th gear, harder to put the parking brake on, and harder to steer fast but it’s definitely manageable. Just have to take it slowly and try not to rush yourself.
Becca, reading your posts I would never say you may be nervous or act cowardly. You always sound so confident ?
Clemency, I’m the same. Still trying to get back in a pre Christmas shape and thinking what to do to not put on even more weight after the surgery. But we’ll be fine.
Becca- gym already? ?
Hi Sabrina. ? so we are both booked on Sunday. I just can’t wait cuz I want to have everything behind me already.
Thank you! Honestly, I used to have such bad anxiety and I am really still quite a worrier most of the time. So I am very surprised at how well I handled my surgery, I didn’t expect to be calm at all! I really thought I would start to panic at some point but the process just ran so smoothly that I didn’t even have the time to stop and think about what I should stress over, which was so good for me.
I am being very careful at the gym and restricting myself to very basic movement just to keep myself moving and in a routine for now. Even though I may feel strong and capable currently, I know that my body is still healing and has a long way to go, so the risk of trying anything more than this right now is huge. I’m really going to have to adapt my lifestyle to make sure I stay on track with my weight now that I can’t be as active during my recovery, for sure I won’t be able to eat as many treats! But it’s all reversible – it can be dealt with afterwards! Actually the operation is a nice excuse to spoil yourself a bit and not care too much about weight for a little while!
I’m trying to focus just on positive things and think this way. Although I know myself and I know that the biggest fear is going to hit me on the day…
Good to be active and I’m glad to hear it will be possible before the full recovery ?
When do you start doing things like hoovering or lifting mop bucket?
Clemency did you get your admission time? I need to show up in the clinic at 10 am xx
I think you might surprise yourself with how calm you are on the day. You will be so focused on the end goal and the fact that you are finally getting your wish. It will be great and hopefully you can relax and enjoy the experience as much as possible.
I would say you should be careful and do no real lifting or stretching for at least two weeks if you can avoid it, and even after then only light duties for six weeks if possible with nothing heavy before that point. Give your body as much chance as you can to recover.
Surprisingly I’m calm now. Hormones are low again, I’m not bloated anymore, period nearly gone… You are probably right, on the big day I’ll be just counting down the minutes till I’ll be taken to the theatre not thinking about anything else ?
I work in a tanning salon so my duties apart from standing at the computer, also involve cleaning beds (top and bottom canopy) which will be a proper stretching plus mopping and hoovering at the end of the day. I’m due back to work on 28th which will be exactly 2 weeks after my operation… I want to avoid any possible complications…
Do you think I shouldn’t do such activities that soon? Xx
I think light cleaning after two weeks would be okay but you really want to avoid putting any strain on your chest muscles so reaching should probably be avoided. I wouldn’t feel happy to carry a bucket of water or a heavy hoover. Maybe you can speak to your employer and explain your situation (I would just say you are having a minor, non-essential operation if they don’t know about the procedure, this is what I told my boss) and explain that you might need some adjustments at work for a few weeks afterwards. Hopefully they will understand and be supportive.
I love this chat so much reading it all makes me feel so much better and I’m already feeling less nervous to! I can’t believe it is tomorrow tho almost feels like a dream! Becca all your advice has been so helpful!
Monica I have to be at the hospital at 2pm so I guess you’ll have yours done before me! Good luck with it all! And everyone else due to have theirs soon!
We are all there with you in spirit supporting you!
My manager knows what I’m going for but she wasn’t happy with me taking 2 weeks off anyway so I don’t know how they are going to react to the fact that I will actually not be able to complete all duties…
But thank you for all the advices given Becca?
Clemency, not necessarily as reading other girl’s stories, it may still take a few hours for me to wait. But fingers crossed for a smooth process. Fingers crossed for you too. Hope you are going to be taken yo the theatre soon after 2pm xx
Good luck today ladies. This time tonight you’ll have amazing boobs ? x
Thank you Ruth
Clemency, how are you feeling today?
Hey, well I’m out the other side ? I was so scared going in but like everyone said i was asleep and awake again before I knew it.
Feeling very tight and tender now and still pretty light headed and dozey but other than that feeling good.
How are you feeling Monica?
Congratulations! I’m glad it went so quickly for you and that you’re feeling okay! I was so tired for quite a few days after, just make sure that you get plenty of rest and relax as much as you can. The hard part is done! Now it’s time for your recovery to begin!
Thank you! I am quite sore and tight now I’m up and out but okay when I lay back down so really am just guna spend all week in bed I think especially as I’m going back to work next week need to rest as much as possible!
These pressure sock things I can tell are guna get on my nerves though haha!
Monica I hope your feeling okay after yours xx
Hey girls I have a consultation next Wednesday and I’m just wondering how soon after your consultations was the day of getting new boobs? And what does it feel like when you wake up and see your new boobs etc?
So my first consultant was end of September and I had my boobs done yesterday although I could have had it done as early as November.
It took a while for me to come round enough to properly look at them but iv had a better look and feel today and so far I feel really happy with them. The pain for the first day maybe even to I imagine numbs the excitement a tad just cos it’s hard work moving around but I am so happy to be out the other side now and to just watch how they change into my new hopefully forever boobies ?
Congratulations girls, I am so glad everything went well for you! Wish you a speedy recovery!
My surgery is in 4 days and I feel as nervous as you described! but reading all the comments makes it easier! thank you!
Amy – it really depends on you – depends whether you are doing finance or just paying upfront, depends on your health and whether you will need extra tests done (i believe in most cases no extra tests needed but it is very personal!) also depends whether you have any flights scheduled in the nearest future. I had my consultation back in October and they were happy to get me in couple weeks later for the surgery but due to my holidays I had to move it to January
Hi thanks so much for your replies.
I will most likely be paying in full but I want them as soon as they can book me in so they are healed in time for summer and before I go back to work. I’m sure I can deal with the pain until it’s time to go sleep everyday .
I’m just stuck on what size to pick when it come round to it
When you will go for your consultation they will advice on proportional size and you will also be able to put on a bra with the implants so you will have better idea how it will look on you
Hey girls.
I feel the same as Clemency, sore and tight but trying to help myself with pills.
Unfortunately I need to spend all day on the train today which is not comfy at all. But will manage ?
Will post my story shortly.
Thank you all for supportive words and messages xx
Exactly, it all depends but for example I had my initial consultation on 14th of November, surgeon and pre op meeting on 19th December and my surgery yesterday.
Don’t worry about the sizes Amy, they will help you to chose showing different ones and you’ll try them on to see how it feels and how it looks.
My friend had 300cc and showed me how they look like so thanks to that I kinda knew what I want, meaning – not to go less than that, just bigger if possible.
You can’t compare yourself to other girls as everyone has got different bodies but at least you can have an idea how particular size looks like. Good luck with your consultation.
Also Jelizaveta, fingers crossed for a smooth operation xx
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