Surgery in 4 days and so nervous!!! Started by: Clemency Tipney

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  • Becca 168

    I had my first consultation on 22nd September and was offered a date for surgery middle / end of October. However, I was already going to Madrid for my birthday in November, and I also needed a couple more pay days under my belt to save up! So I booked my surgery on 29th November and had my operation on 17th December! But it could have been a lot sooner if I had been more ready!

    Waking up was the weirdest feeling. I was shivering but really warm. And when I tried to speak, the words came out so slowly. I felt so proud of myself, relieved that it was all done and a bit emotional too, when I looked at my boobs from above they looked nothing like I had expected, a lot smaller. They have changed so much since then, though! When you first wake up they are a totally different shape and size and position on your chest to how they will end up so you kind of have to look past that. I was in no pain at all, just a slight stinging on my incisions where they had cleaned my skin, but that feeling was gone within two hours.

    Glad you are both doing well after your surgeries and hopefully not in too much discomfort. I definitely think that resting as much as possible to allow your bodies to heal sounds like a great idea. Take it easy!

    Best of luck for your surgery too, Jelizaveta!

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