Surgery Live Stream: Cancelled Started by: myamoderator

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  • myamoderator 138

    We have been contacted by Royal College of Surgeons, a body that we respect, who believe that the filming of ‘live’ surgery is not appropriate. We haven’t had an opportunity to discuss this directly with them, so they don’t know fully what we are doing and why we are doing it. But given the timescales, we thought it was in the best interest to not film live. However, the RCS do not have the same issues with non-live filming. In fact, often their members appear on shows like 10 Years Younger, Bums Boobs & Botox, Bodyshockers, Facelifts & Fillers, My Unusual Vagina, Botched Up Bodies, etc.. which include film segments of surgery. We have requested a meeting with the RCS to understand the differences and their concerns, as we give up most importance to patient safety and clinical standards. One of the criticisms of the RCS was that filming a procedure live trivialises cosmetic surgery. We believe that showing inside the operating theatre and the technicalities of the procedure would actually make the operation very real; having significant educational values. We understand that technology is moving forward and that members of the RCS have done live surgery transmitted to medical professionals and students, including to unsecure mobile devices in unsecure environments, and we need to understand why that is the limitation of what is acceptable

    In August 2017, the RCS prepared their “Position Statement, Broadcasting Live Surgery”, which we believe we are fully compliant with. It’s unfortunate that this had to be raised via a publicity statement, rather than engaging with us in the first instance to share their concerns, which we would have of course have listened to. We would like to also take this opportunity to discuss with the RCS how we can support their members through training and development, given the thousands of procedures we carry out each year with high patient satisfaction and industry-leading outcomes. We know the RCS will be concerned that many of their members are unable to have access to advanced cosmetic surgery training, but we welcome the introduction of their entry-level certification, which although can be obtained without independently carrying out a procedure, is a step in the right direction. We would ask them to liaise with countries and bodies outside of the UK, who have good levels of statistical data, to try and understand whether or not there is a direct correlation between the more surgery you practice and the better and more consistent outcomes that have lower revisions and complications.

    We would be happy to work with RCS to create a greater transparency around what quality looks like and doing live surgery was just one element of this for us. We thank the RCS for wanting to promote and improve standards of surgery and look forward to working with them around the issues raised here.

    We will continue filming the entire patient’s day – apart from the surgery – live. We will film the patient from the minute they enter the hospital up until the operating theatre. Filming will cease to ensure the final conversation between surgeon, anaesthetist and patient will happen confidentially. We will resume filming immediately after the patient enters the recovery room and continue during her immediate recovery in our hospital. Although we will no longer be filming our procedure live, we will be using modern delayed segment filming during the surgery. This will give a good feel and understanding of the procedure, which is important to us. As it is not live, we will have editorial control and censorship mechanisms in place, making it more secure. Snapchat and Instagram Stories are not continuous live recordings and will therefore be a series of 10 second delayed videos. This allows the RCS’ concerns to be addressed completely.

    We will still be filming Katy’s surgery and we will release the video of inside the operating theatre at lunchtime on our YouTube channel – make sure you check in


    myamoderator 138

    Have a sneak peak now….

    Instagram : @myacosmeticsurgery
    YouTube: @myacosmeticsurgery
    Snapchat: @myacosmetic

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