Surgery location & Will I achieve a D cup? Help please! Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 16

    Hello ladies!

    I live in Swansea so I’d go to the Cardiff surgery for my consultation, would I have my surgery there or would I have to go to the next nearest one? Or is it where the surgeon they’ve chosen is based?

    Also I’m 5,2, 10st, 34B I want to achieve at least a D cup but scared they won’t offer me a big enough implant! Anyone had similar??

    Any advice please

    Thanks gals 🙂

    Shantel 32

    Hi! Can’t help you on the location of the surgery but I’m 5ft 4, 9st 9 was a 34aa and iv had 400cc implants with mr traynor and I’m now I’m a 36DD sports bra so I’m sure you will reach a D cup ☺️ Xxx

    Sophie 16


    Awh that’s amazing! I defo want to achieve a D cup!!

    Thank you! Xx

    Ellie 279

    I’m sure you could achieve a D cup. I’m an AA cup and soon as I had my consultation I said I wanted a D cup and he said that’s fine. So I’m sure coming from a B cup that would be very achievable.

    Shantel I’ve added you I hope you don’t mind your similar stats to me and I’m having 375cc xx

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