Surgery still going ahead? Started by: Katie

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  • Katie 2

    Hi everyone, I am interested in getting breast implant surgery , I definitely want to go ahead as soon as possible , but didn’t know if surgeries were going ahead during the lockdown? I would have to travel into London for this so don’t know what is allowed at the moment as I don’t want to break any rules? Please let me know if you’re having your surgery during the lockdown! Thank you

    Wallis 8

    Some companies are and some aren’t. I know MYA are still going ahead with surgeries but Harley Medical are not 🙂 so it depends what company you choose xxx

    Bee 42

    Hey Katie, my surgery is planned for Saturday the 13th March, at Harley Health in London. Haven’t heard anything about it being cancelled as of yet, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. But consultations, pre-ops etc are all happening during lockdown, and I have spoken to girls who have Jan and Feb ops scheduled, that haven’t yet been cancelled, not with MYA anyway. So basically what Wallis said – depends what company you are with! and whether the hospital you are scheduled to have your surgery at is going to be required by the NHS xx

    Carla 39

    Hi Kate I think it’s very hard to say for definite as things keep changing. I’ve had two ops rescheduled now due to Covid. The second one was booked for 24th Jan at Harley Health Village and this has now been changed to 8th Feb at New Victoria Hospital x x

    India 6

    Hey! For MYA 3 out of 4 of their London hospitals are staying open with only Harley Health village closing for this lockdown xx

    Bee 42

    India, where did you hear that about Harley Health? X

    India 6

    My surgery date was cancelled but it was booked for Jan 29th, if yours isn’t booked till March I’m sure it was fine! I think they were only closing until mid Feb xx

    Bee 42

    Fingers crossed! Good luck for yours! Xxx

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