Surgery this year… Tell me more… Started by: Charlotte

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  • Charlotte 7

    Hey ladies, just wondering if any of you have had surgery yet since Covid, if so can you tell us what it was like?

    Ive got my surgery in April (super excited) but curious what it will all be like at these strange time?



    Kimberley 17

    Mines on the 16th this month and still going ahead, having my vitals & pics done today

    Charlotte 7

    Ooo exciting!! I’m 16th April! Hope all goes well 🤞

    Sophie 17

    I had mine on 12th Jan, literally an amazing experience the hospital staff were so good! Only nuisance is that no one can wait with you so a bit of a pain for the person driving you, of course as were in lockdown there’s no where near by to even wait around! X

    Charlotte 7

    Where did you have yours? I’m having mine at Preston travelling from Birmingham hoping I’ll be an overnight case xx

    Jessica 6

    Hi girls I had mine yesterday at London new Victoria. Lovely continence here absolutely outstanding care and the best hospital experience I have ever had. I am an over night case due to travelling 3 hours, if your over a certain mileage you will be you can also request an overnight stay. Again only down sides due to Covid is your on your own but the nurses are very kind and as soon as my op was done they got me to recovery and gave me my phone to contact my husband. You will need clear bags with your things in unused zip pockets from Amazon , no one took anything from me but I have heard other hospitals take your clothes you arrive in and keep them until you leave so you need a new outfit to leave in to prevent contamination. Wish you both best of luck ! Best decision I have ever made already !

    Charlotte 7

    Ooh exciting! Thank you for your advice, spoedy recovery xx

    Sophie 17

    Hey Charlotte I used the Birmingham clinic and travelled to Preston hospital too, I wasn’t asked to use clear bags and the hospital just asked me to keep the room tidy. The hospital staff actually told me over the phone that I could bring more stuff than the MYA nurse did which was odd so definitely check and ask when the hospital call you (they called me the day before to check details and order food). Xx

    Natilly 37


    I went to the Harley Health village in December and took a normal overnight bag with,a button up dress/leggings, macom bra, usual toiletries, dressing gown and slippers, book and headphones.
    When I arrived they provided me with a disposable mask, I had to get into their gown, compression socks and slippers and all of the clothes and shoes I wore were bagged and I had to take them home like that so I had to wear my dressing gown and slippers home!
    I was pretty much in a room on my own until they had to fill out forms – there was about four of these (different people). The surgeon came to talk, take pictures and ten mins later I went for my surgery. There were around 5 people in the room a few of which asked me the same questions they’d been asking all day. Then I was out like a light, woke up, wheeled back to my room and the nurse helped me put on my macom bra. That was pretty much it. I stayed overnight so they brought me food and took me to the loo and I was allowed to leave around 9am the following day after getting ready and eating.
    Good luck with yours!

    Bee 42

    Hey Natalie – what is Harley Health like? I’m having my surgery there, and feel like it hardly pops up on the forum – looks lovely, and I’m so looking forward to it. At what point do you pick the food you want after surgery etc? Hope you’re recovering well and are pleased with your results so far! x

    Wallis 8

    I was meant to have my surgery today but it was cancelled due to Covid 🙁 Re-booked for the 12th of April and I am so scared it will be cancelled again! x

    Natilly 37

    Hi Becks,

    It’s really nice, and everyone was so lovely. It looks like a house from the outside not a clinic!

    When I first went in, they took me through to the reception area where I had to wait for the nurse to come and get me to take me to my room, they gave me a form to fill in and it had all the meals and drinks to tick off on there.
    After I had the surgery they did keep coming in and asking if I wanted more to drink and they leave you with a jug of water and cups too. I was quite sick after the anaesthetic but I made the mistake of asking for orange juice and apparently the acidity can make you quite sick after!
    Thank you 😁 I’m over 8 weeks post op now and very happy with the results!
    Good luck with your surgery! Hope all goes well.

    Charlotte 7

    Oh no Wallis, was it the hospital that cancelled due to covid or have you got it? Xx

    Wallis 8

    I don’t have Covid but it was cancelled to help and support the NHS apparently :(! xx

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