Surgery tomorrow and I’m really nervous 345cc overs Started by: Mimi

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  • Mimi 45

    Girls I am having my op tomorrow and I think it’s just hit me! I was originally booked in for 345cc unders however I went to see my surgeon yesterday because I’ve not seen him since October!! And he said my results will be much better and more what I’m looking for with overs. It’s such short notice to have changed my mind but tbh but I’ve listened to what he said as he knows best. I have slight asymmetries between my crease below my boobs and there quite far apart. He said he can get them closer together with overs and more even. I can’t believe it’s tomorrow ? anybody got any pictures of overs 345CC I’m 5Ft7 size 6-8 weigh 9.5st wear a 34C

    Clare K 22

    Hi Mimi,

    Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. Im on thursday. Im having overs too and always thought i would have unders until i spoke with my surgeon and did a bit of research and found I agreed with what he said.

    Keep us posted on hiw thijgs go. I would trust your surgeon xx

    Ruth 116

    Good luck for tomorrow Mimi xx

    Mimi 45

    Aw girls thankyou so much I’ve relaxed a little bit now I’m just staying positive and thinking of everyone else’s story’s which make it sound not to bad atall. I will let youse know how I feel as soon as I feel able and will upload pics ?

    Ruth 116

    You’ll be asleep then awake again in the blink of an eye and you’ll have your new boobs. It’s exciting I miss the build up, honestly if your never been put to sleep before it’s nothing to worry about. If your a little nervous tomorrow tell the staff they’ll provide reassurance and help put you at ease. Look forward to your pictures when your feeling up to it ?

    Monica 122

    Fingers crossed for tomorrow Mimixx.
    You’re not going to believe how fast and smooth your day is going to pass. Just take everything calmly and don’t stress too much. Clinical stuff is just brilliant and they’re there to support you.
    Enjoy the moment when you open your eyes and see you beautiful boobies for the first time xx

    Sarah 45

    Good luck mimi xxx

    Samantha 42

    Good luck for today mimi, xx

    Mimi 45

    Ahh girls thankyou so much!! I’m just about to leave the snow is so bad today in Liverpool! I’m actually not feeling that nervous right now but I will keep use updated ? xx

    Ruth 116

    Just keep thinking this time tonight you’ll have new boobs ? hopefully you’ll be one of the first to theatre so won’t have time to think about things will soon be done. Good luck xx

    Mimi 45

    Girls I’m all done!! I feel amazing, woke up feeling fine not groggy atall no pain at all!! I went down at about 9.40, had my anaesthetic about 10am then was awake in recovery at 12am I’ve had a quick look down but can’t see much just know I have boobs!! I’ll post a full post later tonight or tomorrow and get some pictures uploaded but for anyone worrying you will be fine! I didn’t feel any nerves atall untill I got to the doors of the theatre and hugged my mum, once I was threw the doors the nurse who was with me was so chatty about holidays and bikinis that I can wear getting me excited, once on the bed I still didn’t feel nerves, just go with the flow girls your in good hands and honestly the pain is minimal! So worth it. So far so good xxx

    Daniella 21

    So pleased for you Mimi! I will be in your shoes this time tomorrow! So excited to see your before and afters. Wishing you a speedy recovery xx

    Ruth 116

    You did it congratulations and happy New boob day ? xx

    Mimi 45

    Aw thankyou girls honestly I’ve felt fine all day!! No pain or anything been standing myself up (with the nurses in the room) and walking the toilet (en-suite) on my own so I’m doing pretty well, overs are deffinatly less painful than unders sound! X

    Ruth 116

    Pleased that your not in any pain and doing well after surgery. Have you been able to have a peak at your boobs yet? x


    I am really scared about being put under and something happening. I think that is what I am most scared about

    Mimi 45

    Yes I’ve had a couple of looks at them they look good! Still very swollen my first nights sleep was a bit of a stuggle not pain wise purely because I’m staying over in hospital and all of the unusual noises outside my room, also my only discomfort so far is were my post op bra is tight around the bottom just below my incisions. My stomach is pretty swollen and I think that’s why it’s digging in slightly. The nurses are great and keep adjusting it and tbh I can fix it myself my arms aren’t that saw. Maybe a bigger back size would have been better? And amber honestly stay calm and you’ll be fine it’s nothing to worry about! I was asleep within seconds and theatre is nothing to be scared about it’s completely fine like being in a hospital room that’s all, you’ll be fine!! Xxx

    Mimi 45

    Here’s a pic

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Mimi 45.
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    Mimi 45

    Here’s my surgeons drawings pre_op (no implants yet ?) he said this is the most important part of the operation!

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    Ruth 116

    I stayed in overnight too didn’t sleep a wink watched the world go by out the window most of the night ? I’m not the best sleeper anyway. Fingers crossed when the swelling settles your bra won’t dig in, nothing worse! They look a lovely size. Take it easy lovely don’t over do it rest is so important right now so your body recovers xx

    Mimi 45

    Aw thankyou Ruth I’m in a little more pain today still in the hospital waiting to leave, can’t wait for my own bed and home comforts! I get my strapping removed next Thursday and I already can’t wait! Xxx

    Ruth 116

    I found Days 2 and 3 the worst hopefully your pain will ease over the next few days. Bed, box sets and comfort food if you can face it. Happy healing ?

    Mimi 45

    Aw thankyou Ruth ? oh god really so the worst is yet to come for me ??? xxx

    Ruth 116

    I was really stiff and ached, everyone is different hopefully you won’t feel too bad over the next few days xx

    Mimi 45

    Aw thankyou Ruth fingers crossed I don’t ?? I’ve found the more I sit up the easier it is to stand up and less painful it feels x

    Monica 122

    Looking really good Mimixx ? your result after a time will be great.
    My bra was so uncomfortable and was digging in for the first week and I really though I’ve got it too small but it’s all due to swelling on your body. It will loosen when first sweeling is gone.
    Get rest now xx

    Mimi 45

    Thankyou Monica feel much better today so far! Hoping the worst is behind me although I’m only 2 days post op so maybe that’s wishful thinking ? xx

    PerkieDs 12

    Hello mimi

    i also had 350cc high profile overs

    did you get high profile too

    what was your bra size starting ,

    how are you doing

    i am now 8 days post op,

    how are the newbies looking

    good luck

    Mimi 45

    Hi yes I had moderate profile 345cc overs, I was a size 34C but that was in really padded bras, I’m actually doing really well considering are you?? X

    PerkieDs 12


    i am so glad to hear your doing well! its a really nice size,

    have you got any post op pics

    how oyu liking them so far xx

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