Surgery yesterday! 400cc please read if you’re feeling nervous! Started by: Abbie

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  • Abbie 11

    Hi, I had my surgery yesterday with Mr Mashhadi at the Fitzroy hospital. I can honestly say it was the best experience!
    I had 400cc high profile partials (see attached). From the moment I met Mr Mashhadi he was so friendly and reassuring along with every nurse and doctor I met.
    A week before my surgery I was so nervous and now I’ve had it done I can honestly say it is nowhere near as bad as what I thought it would be!
    All nurses were so friendly and completely took my mind off of feeling nervous! The anaesthetist was really helpful and listened to my concerns. When I went into theatre the nurse held my hand and we were talking about drinking cocktails on holiday! Next thing I knew I was in recovery. No pain at all! Just sleepy! I felt like I had the best sleep ever with no clue that the surgery had actually been done! I later on had liquid morphine to help aches followed by tea and toast.
    I’m now 1 day post op and I can honestly say pain is 2/10. I feel like I’ve just done a long gym workout!! I’d 100% recommend Mya & Mr Mashhadi and would definitely go through the process again!! Feel free to bombard me with questions as I was also a complete worrier before surgery! Xxx

    Abbie 11

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    Here they are…

    Abbie 11

    Take 2…

    Abbie 11

    It says the file is too big (made me laugh) ???? I’ve changed my profile pic xxx

    Abbie 11

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Abbie 11.
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    Annie 4

    Hi Abbie, such a great post and so reassuring. Your boobs look great! What size were you before? X

    Rach 34

    Wow what an amazing result and very reassuring to read. I have my op on Sunday and getting really nervous now. Hoping my pain is a 2/10 too as I have 2 young boys to look after!

    Abbie 11

    @Annie Hi it took me forever to load the photos! I was a 32B before and had slight asymmetry. So I had one breast lowered slightly. Honestly it was such an amazing experience! Xxx

    Abbie 11

    @rach honestly you’ll be fine! I worried the whole week before my surgery and I wish I just enjoyed it instead. The whole experience was amazing and you literally wake up and it’s done! What cc & profile are you having? X

    Rach 34

    @abbie I can’t help but worry I guess it’s just the unknown of what’s going to happen and also I aren’t telling anyone I’m having it done which makes it hard too. I’m still undecided but was offered 250, 275 and 300 thinking probs go 300cc I aren’t wanting them to be too big full c/d

    Abbie 11

    I was exactly the same! Everyone kept saying oh it’s fine! I didn’t believe anyone because it was just the fear of the unknown taking over! Honestly I would do it again. Nowhere near as bad as what I imagined!… I’d go for the 300cc everyone says you get boob greed! Haha xxx


    Hi Abbie! They look amazing, did you have overs or unders?


    Also when you say you had one lowered a bit, how did this work? My surgery is late nov but i have one boob higher than the other so im seeing my surgeon in a few weeks to discuss what to do

    Abbie 11

    Hi Beth, I had subfascials which are over the muscle but under the muscle lining. Which helps protect against rippling. I’ll attach my before photo so you can see. My left breast sat higher than my right so Mr Mashhadi made my crease where my inscion is on my left lower so they’re now symmetrical. Most people often have a bigger implant in one if they have asymmetry but size wasn’t my problem it was just that my left was higher and needed to be brought down. Hope this helps xx

    Abbie 11

    My phone hates uploading photos. Hopefully this time it works x

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    Hey abbie, my boobs look nearly identical to your befores! i’ll add you 🙂

    Shakira 1

    They look really good. Thank you for this post it was very reassuring that you had a great experience and good to see photos of Dr Mashhadis work. Definitely feeling more confident in hoping to go for 450cc

    Steph 31

    Thankyou for sharing your experience I needed a little reassurance a week today is my surgery and the unknown is taking over and I feel sick thinking about what will happen funnily enough I’ve had general anaesthetic before so know ill be fine I think it’s thinking about the pain ill be in after what I’m probably more worried about x

    Abbie 11

    Hi Steph, the pain isn’t bad at all it’s more of an endurance test! I’m completely comfortable when I’m sitting or laying. I’m just walking hunched over at the moment because it’s tight. If you take it easy you’ll be fine. Xx

    Xandie 1

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    Hey @Annie, I have Mr Mashhadi in December but I’m worried whether he’ll be able to give me what I want! Do you have any pictures of them now after they’ve healed a bit? Thank you x

    Bethany 17

    I’m having exactly the same as you @abbie.
    400 subfacials, with one of my creases being slightly lowered! Hope they end up like yours!

    Charlie 1

    I’ve got my op in feb and I’m having 400cc hp overs and I’m scared they going to be too big? Any advice

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