Swelling Started by: charlenexx

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    Is it normal to have swelling the next day after your op? A feel like the middle part of my boobs feels really stretched 2. Stressing incase it shouldn’t feel so streched xx


    Yes, It is completely normal! 🙂
    You should expect a fair amount of swelling and tightness for the first week or two post op whilst your body is adjusting to the implants.
    Everybody is different though. During healing process you may barely swell at all, or you may spend a full week with swollen breasts. I have read so many times about woman using the icing technique to reduce the swelling and i plan to do the same. I bought special ice bags, but i hear even just using ice packs or ice cubes in a sandwich bag covered with a clean tea towel works absolute wonders.
    i hope your swelling subsides soon, either way 🙂


    On a side note: If you’re going to ice, you may wish to ask you PS if that technique is suitable for you first. Some surgeons believe it is good, others believe it’s bad.


    R thanks hun, a worry bout everything n jst want them to be ok xx


    If it helps at all; It’s one of the safest, most practiced invasive elective surgeries you can have, hun. I’m in no doubt you’ll be just fine ^_^

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