Swollen Boobs :( Started by: Chan

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  • Chan 12

    Hey dolls, do any of you know if it’s possible to wear the macom bra on top of the post op strapping or do I have to wait 1 week until the nurse removes the strapping? I had mine done yesterday with Dr. Marcellino (450cc and 400cc HP- he’s amazing) and they feel really tight and uncomfortable. Let me know please thanks xx
    I’ve got Pre and Post Op pics on my page

    di ulysses 16

    hi chantell! i’ve had my op 2 days ago and i’m still strapped but worn my macom already for extra support. i put pics on my new ig account @ulysses_lady . hope you don’t mind the add and happy healing x

    Laura H 7

    I had my op yesterday but have my straps off and just a sports bra on. What does the Macom bra do? Would it be better if I got one? Does it close the gap at all?

    Chan 12

    Hey Di Ulysses I’ve just put my Macon bra ontop of the strapping and it feels tuns better already 😊. I’ll accept your friends request now. What implants did you get put in xx

    Chan 12

    Laura it’s just a really good post op bra recommended by the Mya team. X

    Laura H 7

    Thanks. It’s just cos they seem so expensive but I will def get one if they are worth it x

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