Swollen glands/lumpy boobs Started by: Lily

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  • Lily 1

    I’m at the stage of researching about having a breast augmentation and wanted them done for years.
    I sometimes suffer with lumpy boobs, like swollen glands and the doctors just say that it’s nothing to be concerned about. Just to keep an eye on. Lots of people I know have the same.
    Has anyone else experienced this and gone ahead with surgery and it been okay?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Lily 1.
    Gem 2

    Hey I have permanent swollen lymph node in my armpit and one at the side of my boob , I had surgeon consultation yesterday and he said it wasn’t an issue and as long as they don’t change size nothing to worry about , I’ve had ultrasounds on mine so I know they are harmless x

    Lily 1

    Hey thank you Gem, that’s really helpful and reassuring to know. Im relieved it’s not a reason I can’t have them done!x

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