Symmastia before surgery Started by: Heidi blades

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  • Heidi blades 28

    Can any girls help me out iv got my surgery in 2 weeks and after seeing my surgeon Dr mounir yesturday iv now discovered I have congenital symmastia we have decided for 375cc and to wear a sternum compression bra (thong bra) after surgery I’m currently a 34b does anyone have any before and after pics with the following congenital symmastia before surgery

    Thank you xx

    Jamie 55

    Hi, I was never told I had this, but I remember saying to my friends my skin lifts in the middle, but becuase I was barely an a cup it wasn’t noticeable and no surgeon ever mentioned it so I forgot about it. I had 380 moderate overs and I was told at three weeks to start sleeping with a rolled up flannel in between which did help but I’m now 12 weeks post op and although naked they don’t look to bad as soon as bra goes on I have what looks like a uni boob. I’ve spoken to a few surgeons now and two have said yes its symmastia and two have said it’s not so I’m very conflicted. I have an Instagram if you want to have a look it’s ba_380_overs. Also Charlotte Crosby has this. It may be worth going to a specialist as they can use sutures and different techniques to form a better pocket to stop the symmastia worsening, don’t rush into it xx

    Jamie 55

    Also type symmastia into the search bar on here there was girl I spoke to a few months ago about it, she had surgery acquired symmastia I think but she was great and sent me some pics on here to look at x

    Heidi blades 28

    Thanx for the info Jamie x

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