Tall and Slim – Help me choose a size! (Super Scared) Started by: Ellie

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  • Ellie

    Hi everyone, So i’ve met my surgeon and hopefully going to book my op in the new year. Im really scared about the whole thing as i worry too much about the future so i have loads of questions

    The surgeon suggested 350 for me, but after looking at some before and after pictures i feel they are too big.
    Im currently a 32a (just) and Im wanting confidence but don’t want to go too big so it’s really obvious if that makes sense?

    Im currently 5’9 – 9.5st size 8/10
    How do i know what size is best for me? i’ve done the rice test many times (literally got tight balls all over my room) but i’m not sure if i’m doing it right

    Also – how did you have the confidence to make the decision to go through with it ?

    Thanks in advance!

    Stephanie 3

    I’m 5’9 but size 12/14 and had 425cc nearly 2 weeks ago. They’re perfect! They say around 125cc per cup size so you will be around 3 cup sizes bigger. The cc’s sound alot but they really aren’t. 9 times out of ten women say they wish they’d gone bigger 😂.
    As for having the confidence, you just have to go for it! Take the plunge, it is definitely the best decision I have ever made and I’d do it again. I had under the muscle and honestly, the pain hasn’t been bad at all


    I saw my surgeon yesterday I’m not as tall as you 5ft5/6ish size 10.. 32b and was recommended 375cc I’m so worried about making the wrong choice of implant and being unhappy.
    I’ve made another apt with the surgeon to discuss again.

    Mia 7

    Ellie I’m 5ft 8 and weigh 68kg size 10 clothes. Just had my consultation today and they said 350cc. I feel the same worry as you about them being too big but I think it’s just because we’re used to such little boobs 😂 I like to think the size I end up with will be the same as if I wear one of those ridiculously tripple padded bras primark used to do lol. I think it will be fine!!!


    Mia I know what you mean! im so fed up of all these super padded bras ! haha

    Rc 8

    Hi, I’m 5 ft 7 8 stone 4.i got 350cc and they fit my frame perfectly, when you get them done they’ll look coney and huge( look abit silly tbh😂) but once they’ve settled (I’m now 4 month post) the swelling goes down and they go more natural, I think the ones your seeing are the 6 weeks post op pictures? They’re still swollen and stiff then, if your seeing post op pics that are 3 months plus and they look too big maybe get a smaller size, but traynor offered me 350cc as the biggest size and I went for that x

    Mia 7

    RC do you have any pictures??xx

    Elizabeth 33

    I’m 5 ft 8, was a 34AA, weigh 9 stone 10 and had 325 mod plus dual plane. I am 4 weeks post op and they are much bigger than I expected. I said my ideal was a C cup and I’m already measuring an E.

    Elizabeth 33

    First time in proper bra


    Hi can anyone give me feedback on Mr Traynor pls? At the start of this process and he has been suggested to me. Thank you x


    RC do you have any pictures your happy to share? Thanks!

    Tiff 6

    I’m just under 5’8
    9stone 6
    And dress size 6/8

    I’ve just had my surgery on Friday 7th so I’m only 2 days post op but if u message I can send photos.
    I wanted a natural C cup and my surgeon advised 250cc smooth mod plus implants which is what I went with.
    Very happy so far – can wait for the drop and fluff process so they plump out and look more natural.
    Any questions please just message!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Tiff 6.
    Tiff 6

    Oh also… the rice test.. don’t base too much on that.
    If I had I would have been unhappy as I was thinking 200cc based on the rice bags but my surgeon urged me it’d be too small so I trusted his advise and thank god I did!
    Type in for example ‘300cc breast implants before and after’ into Google and just have a look at as many photos as you can of women starting at a similar size as you. It’s hard to gauge what’s right but trust your surgeon and show them lots of reference photos of what you’re looking for.

    aries 4

    Hey girl I’m 172 cm and 57 kgs, I had 275cc’s but wish I had gone bigger maybe 325 xx

    Anonymous 1

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    Hey I’m 5 ft 5 size 8 I went for 375cc and they’re a good size for me. This photo was taken only 3 weeks post op so they should drop and fluff a lot more as still really hard. X

    Patrycja 6

    I am one year after my surgery. if you have a choice between smaller and larger sizes, definitely choose the bigger one. It will seem huge for the first few weeks, but once the swelling is down, the size is just right for you. I even thought that they are some small. I had a choice of 350cc and 375cc I’m happy with the 375cc 🙂 that was the best decision 🙂 I’m sure the 350cc will be too small .
    I’m 169cm height, 55kg size 8 .

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