tall girls Started by: Sam

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  • Sam 13

    So I’ve booked myself in for 26th July (not mya). I am 5ft 11in, medium build and currently a 32b. I had some 3d pics taken and was suggested 525cc, then pc said 390cc and the surgeon suggested 420cc! as I am tall I know I can carry larger breasts, anyone else in similar situation? any thoughts?
    ps ive had 5 children, and breastfed for 9 years, so my breasts are feeling very sorry for themselves lol

    Amy Parren 38

    I’m 5ft 9 🙂 I have 425/450cc implants and everybody says my body looks so much more in proportion and more dainty. Dainty isn’t a word I usually get called lol! I breastfed one so nothing compared to you but I had the empty breastfed boobs. Lots of pics on my profile 🙂 btw 3D images sounds very interesting!! Feel free to add me x

    Sam 13

    thanks Amy 🙂 your photos are amazing. the 3d images were awesome and so helpful, but seeing the before images was kind of tough, as used padding ever since I can remember and found that a bit emotional. did you go over or under the muscle? x

    Amy Parren 38

    @Sam thank you! I really do love my new boobs and am not afraid to show them off. I really didn’t like mine before hand either so I can imagine it really was hard. I went over the muscle as my surgeon (Dr Marcellino) said I’ve got plenty of breast tissue and why mess with parts of me that didn’t need to be messed with. Under the muscle has a longer recovery time and I’m a single parent of a 20 month old. I was borderline uplift so I am wondering if going behind the muscle would of made them more supported in the future. He offered me up to 500cc but I said no as didn’t want them toooooo big! (Kinda wish I had gone for it now though!) xx

    Chloe Moore 18

    I am 5ft 7″” so not as tall as yourself but I have 450cc and could’ve gone bigger for my build! I’d go for the biggest offered if I was you xx

    Sam 13

    I’m hoping to get overs but not sure I have enough. It’s the recovery I’m worried about as four of my kids have special needs, so can be unpredictable, but feel I need to do something for me! Great will go for the biggest offered? Does profile play a big part, if you go for higher profile you can get bigger cc? My bwd is 12.5cm? X

    Rachael 9

    Hi @sam I’m 5’9 and have been advised to have 525/550 I’m a 34 a/b at the minute, was hoping to achieve dd but from what I’m reading I’m thinking they’ll be bigger ?? xx

    Sam 13

    thanks Rachael not long for your op 🙂 I’m hoping when I go for sizing next week, I can get more of an idea, just don’t want to feel like my boobs are breastfeeding size iykwim x

    Lisa 12

    I’m 5′ 11″ too I was thinking 450cc but ps said 330 or 375 because of my breast width, he said because I’m very slim though he’s certain I won’t be disappointed. I also had the 3D imaging and have to say the 330 did look bigger than I expected. I see lots of people say go bigger ask surgeon if you can get bigger but I have decided to trust my surgeon.

    sarah25 13

    Hi I’m 5,10 and iv had 450 overs from a b, I look so much more in proportion that’s the biggest I could go x

    Nicky 1

    Hi, i am 5’10 and have been offered anything between 375cc upto 450cc both mod+ and HP. I left the consultation feeling very confused. But i think i will take the biggest as i see everyone saying go for the biggest x

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