Tall girls and BA Started by: Karis

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  • Karis 1

    Hey! I’m due for surgery start of April and my options are 375cc or 400cc – HP dual plane.

    Can anyone tell me if they’ll look different on taller people… 400cc seems bigger than what I wanted but my surgeon says as I’m taller they won’t be. Just wondered if anyone 5’10 or taller had any experience or pics they could share.


    Louise 25

    Hello. No pics yet I’m afraid, as my op isn’t until 10th Feb. I think it all depends on size of chest, breast tissue etc to what results you’ve got. 400cc on a very petite girl will look quite different to a taller girl. I’m 5’10” too, I’m having 375cc unders, I’m an empty 34b and my surgeon advised I should end up a dd. I dont have much upper breast tissue so going high profile.


    I am 5ft10 and I have the exact same, I have been recommended 400CC which I thought was very big and am conscious of them being too big – but he said its because im tall and they wont look too big at all.

    My Op is 21st Feb and not too sure what to do haha xx

    Karis 1

    I’m currently a ‘generous B’ my surgeon says, and he said size wise after looking at DD/E but I can’t figure out if they’re going to be too big, or play it safe and ask for a smaller size 😩 xx


    I’m also 5”10 and I’m stuck between 325cc and a 350cc and got told I’m an empty b. would you girls be interested in making a group chat as we’re all the same height? My op is booked for 1st March, I’m scared of going too big as I want natural boobs!

    Miranda 2

    I’m 5’10 too, surgery booked 28th Feb at new Victoria with dr sleiter, he said max 350cc for me, as I have a narrow chest, I’m an empty 32b after breastfeeding 3 children! Another surgeon did say I could go up to 425cc but I thought it would look too big on me? So hard to decide on the size!!

    Dee -14

    I’m also 5”10 and struggling to decide between 325 and 350cc – having over the muscle and full profile but I’m quite slim – surgery is on the 20th so I need to make my mind up before then! Can anyone advise ♥️

    Louise 25

    There isnt a massive difference in 25cc. I would go bigger if it was me.


    I’m 5ft 9. A size 10/12 and around 11st 6lb
    I have quite a broad physique..
    My surgery date is also the 1st march and he has opted for me to have 325 in one and 350 in the other..
    However I too am worried it won’t be enough to even out my top half…
    Contacted mya to see if they can ask Dr traynor to consider 350/375 ..
    I’m a 36b now but can’t fill the cup…
    Hoping for 36dd in the end..

    Wallis 8

    Im 5’7 and going for 375cc behind the muscle, my surgeon advised I would achieve a DD/E cup x

    Louise 25

    I had my op yesterday and my boobs feel MASSIVE 🤣 I had 375cc partials witb Mr Netri. Very sore and swollen today. Time will tell if the size is right. I certainly dont think I needed bigger and will be at least a DD he thinks

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    I’m 5’11 and a size 12, I’ve got my op with Mr Netri on the 3rd March. I’m hoping for 425 or 450cc as I’m quite broad! I’ve got my second consult on the 17th and will be posting any updates on my Instagram if anyone would like to keep updated its ‘netribamarch21’ 🙂

    Karis 1

    Hope you’re healing well Louise! Keep us updated with how it’s going x


    I’m 5’8 around 11 stone and a size 12. I was a 36b before surgery and had 275cc over the muscle high profile done by Dr Sleiter. I’m 4 weeks post op and really happy with the results. My boobs were really deflated after breast feeding and weight training and I just wanted them full again and to go up to a D cup. I haven’t been measured yet but I’m happy with the size. My boobs are naturally far apart and unfortunately that cannot be changed with a BA. My surgeon was very clear about that. I can add some before and after shots in bras.

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    Leila 62

    Brigitte yours look unreal! Im similar stats to you and had 305cc this Monday – mine look so small right now but will be chuffed if they end up like yours in 4 weeks!!

    Lauren 5

    I’m just a smidge under 5’10 and about 60kg – I had my op yesterday with Mr Netri. I was a 34B (although never properly measured) and I went for 425cc partially under the muscle. So excited to see what they’re going to look like – I’m too sore to peak under the band & surgical bra at the moment!!

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Lauren 5.

    Louise I’m getting the same size as you! Hope recovery is going well, could you post an updated photo 🙂

    Rebecca 1

    Hi girls, would anyone mind posting pictures for me, I am 5’11 and quite broad shouldered and have been suggested 450/500 cc unders high profile but am worried these will be too big. If anyone could post a picture of how you got on with your surgeries I’d really appreciate it! X


    Hi, sorry I have no pics but I had my boobs done 7 months ago 375cc overs and would DEFINITELY recommend getting the biggest size available to you. I went from a 34B to 34E, however because I have quite broad shoulders and am 5ft 11 they do not look like a 34E at all but more like a C/D. So definitely go for as big as you can!

    Sarah 32

    Hi girls I’m 5’8 and 10 stone 5 I was a 32 B before and I’m so happy with mine! I got 400cc under the muscle high profile textured implants. I’ll add some more pics xx

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    Sarah 32

    My before

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    Sarah 32

    Straight after I had my op! Xx

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    Sarah 32

    One day after xx

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    Hi girls! Same question as Rebecca really. I’m 5ft 10 I’m having an uplift and implants and been advised I can have 375cc. I’m currently a saggy C cup. When I do the rice test they look huge as I have quite a lot of breast tissue already. Worried these will be massive as I want them to look natural! Any advice would be really appreciated xx

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