Tear drop or round? 400 Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m getting an uplift with implants & I don’t want them to look quite round & perky but not too fake, I’m scared though that if I get tear drop that I won’t really get the look I want & they’ll still appear quite low can someone explain to me what I can achieve from either please?


    I really want upper fullness but I don’t want it too look empty at the bottom too I want it to be filled out right & I just think if I go with tear drop I don’t think ill achieve the look I feel like it will go wrong see here does any one have photos


    Is there a photo or an example of someone with your ideal boobs? You can post the link here, and it might be easier to give an opinion, as well as showing your surgeon what you want to achieve 🙂 x


    http://www.realself.com/photo/60029?offset=45&topic_id=200 I’d like them like that but bigger ..thank you x

    jakki25 -1

    Well its really hard to say bearing in mind that lady has only had an uplift, so would look completely different with an implant in. I had round implants 2 weeks ago, told my surgeon I want natural looking breasts and wasn’t a fan of them sitting too high and round on the chest. I had a lot of empty skin from a pregnancy and he said that would make the implants sit a lot more natural as my skin had already been stretched. Add me if ud like to look at pics x

    jakki25 -1

    Oh and I had 410 overs 🙂 x


    Ye that’s wat I’m scarred off I feel like with implants they can sit right or not. I’ve added u thanks x

    jakki25 -1

    No probs x


    Yours are really good, id be over the moon with yours but you’ve not had an uplift have you? I want mine likes yours quite roundish they look really nice are you happy? X

    jakki25 -1

    No I didn’t have an uplift even tho my boobs were saggy before (not too much). Mr traynor said the larger implant out of the 3 he offered would fill my skin nicely and give me approximately the size I wanted. I’m really happy with them although some days I wish I’d gone bigger as I don’t look too different in clothes, but that just shows how much padding I had in my bras beforehand! They looked quite pointy at first but they’re dropping and softening nicely now and they r the exact shape I hoped for x


    Aww you are so lucky there perfect! & haha ye u must of had a lot of padding hah, well I’m having 400cc dual plane I think it’s called where’s half under the muscle & the other half under the breast with high profile I want them roundish & not with that big bulge & hopefully I get what I want ! Well I will cause I’ve made it very clear haha I’m just really picky I feel like making him
    A PowerPoint if what I do & don’t want I have shown him what I want & he thinks it’s achievable with an implant so let’s hope he gets it right I’m going with THG dr.alleruzzo he did a fantastic job on a girl in & I’ve seen one other photo where he’s done good but I’m just waiting on some more but I finally approve him x


    Hope u don’t mind me adding u jakki I’ve tried to pm u but saying error sending I’m having 450 unders in 2 weeks I’ve lost fullness after pregnancy also currently a 34b xx

    jakki25 -1

    Hey zoe, I’ll add u now hun 🙂 x

    Kate 26

    Would u mind if I add u jakki25? Iv lost alot of weight and had three kids,my boobs used to be a dd and are prob now a aa.i would love to see ur results,I’m going to to see me traynor in a couple of weeks after already seeing dr schiavone xxx


    Hi, I am exactly the same – really want them as natural as possible but don’t want them to look too low or anything. I have my first consultation tomorrow so hoping to get some good advice. Is there any chance I could see your pics too jakki25? xx


    Hey & ye like I want them natural looking but I dnt want them to start low cause I have quite a long chest as it is I need them to b as high as I can get them without them looking to fake where are you having your consultations jelly bean? I think I’m going with the hospital group with dr.alleruzzo x

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