Teardrop or round, overs or unders. Mum of two Started by: Tara

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  • Tara

    Hey I’ve got my consultation soon, I really want a full size D cup as I’m 34B atm but slightly slope shaped. I’ve got a 5 month old baby and 7 year old to take to school (hoping after a week of surgery)

    Any mums had surgery and recovered okay to pick up baby?

    Also any suggestions on round or teardrop and overs or unders please?

    Jo 4

    Hi Tara, I had 450 round overs after three kids and had hardly any pain at all. I’ve heard overs are much easier to recover from pain wise.
    But it all depends on how much tissue you have. It really is an individual thing and your surgeon should be able to advise according to your volume/tissue/size.
    Good luck! Xx


    Yeah I’m considering the overs and round now, so we will see what my surgeon says!!
    What surgeon did you go with?
    Thanks ☺️ Xx

    Jo 4

    I went with Linia as they have pre and post appointments in my home city. My surgeon was Mr Irshad.
    Really happy with the results!

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