Telling family and friends Started by: harriet

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  • harriet 6

    Soo ive finally plucked up the courage to tell one if my best friends im getting my boobs done! Feel like its so difficult as feel like some people never really understand and cant get past the how much?! Obvously im not going to lose any friends over this but can make you a bit lonely thinking people cant see why your doing it!

    I guess for most people you can just hide behind a jumper for a while over christmas! Did anyone else struggle telling their family /friends?xx


    I’m at this stage too hun. I’ve told my closest friends which was fairly easy as they are all really understanding and supportive but I’m still struggling to tell my family as they have very dated views on plastic surgery. They still have no idea. How have you managed with it? xx

    harriet 6

    Ah I’ve managed to tel my mum, I told her on the phone and asked her to have a think about it before she replied back to me. Stopped her blurting out stuff and got her to think about why I wanted it! Wish I could fast forward a few months when it have bookies and people will have seen them ha! When are you getting surgery?xx


    Ahh girls it really isn’t that bad!! I had asymetrial breast quite badly so my mums always supported my decision and been there for me which is amazing! But with my friends I’ve only told 2 of them and both of them have been so lovely as well one of them is even looking in to having it herself you will be surprised how well they take it and if they don’t I don’t think they’re true friends tbh it’s a massive thing and your friends should be there for you! I’ve not told many people because there’s not a massive difference I just had them evened out and slightly bigger but if you know it’s noticable I would just think If you want to tell them then just tell them you’ll have the closest people round you to help even if it’s a text to see how you are you need it so much just to make you feel better expecially in the first week!! Xxx


    Iv found it hard to as I’m a private person and don’t like people knowing my business but told my mum abs she was fine as long as ok happy and then bit the bullet and told my dad and he surprised me was supported and worried more for my safety than anything think it helped that I researched loads so could answer any questions, he’s even coming with me and helped me pay. Iv told a few friend they we’re excited think they just want to see them have a few whys you don’t need it but they would they have boobs haha. My bf is telling more people than me think he forgets I haven’t said sbything but everyone reactions have been fine just explained why and it’s so common now don’t think as many people are that shocked anymore.
    Hope ur goes well Harriet x

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