Telling your children!!!?????? Started by: Vicki

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  • Vicki 24

    I have 3 children my eldest 2 are both girls 12yrs and 9yrs! They don’t know I’m having my surgery done. They will be staying with there dad for 3days but when my partner picks them up and brings them home they will no something’s wrong! I don’t no how to explain to them what I’ve had done because I want my girls to grow up and be happy in their body’s! I don’t want this to give them the wrong impression…… didn’t think of this to start with!!
    Any advice would be much appreciated ???? Xx

    Laura 47

    I’m the same. I’ve got a 12 year old and a 10 year old. I’m going to just say I’m off work with a bad cold and not to come to near (kisses on heads instead of hugs – owch!). I’m hoping they won’t really notice. We’re not the type of family that marches around semi naked – and they don’t come in the bathroom if I’m in the shower. I don’t want to give my daughter body hang ups or ideas about changing herself. I don’t know if I’m right or wrong but I guess that’s parenthood x



    Vicki 24

    Yes I totally agree.. I don’t walk about half naked and when I’m in the bath or shower the bathroom door is locked lol!! I’m not going big and when my pc got me to try on the rice sizers with my own top on she said that’s what I will look like and to be honestly I didn’t look any different with my clothes on! So I could get away with not telling them… I just didn’t want to lie and say I’ve hurt myself for them to worry! But maybe- mum has bad back or feeling under the weather might be a way around it…you are right there’s no right or wrong when it comes to being a parent but us mums always find a way… thank you for you comment xx

    victoria 81

    Hi hun,
    I have an 8 year old daughter. She went on holiday with her dad when i had them done so i had a week without her. I told her when she got home and she was very upset. She didnt understand why i wanted boobs! She didnt want me telling people and she doesnt like it when they are on show. I have showed her, not straight away as she didnt want to see, but as the weeks went on she got more curious and asking more questions. 7 weeks on and its all normal again! I felt so guilty as i felt like i wasnt being a good role model for her. But it is the best thing ive done for me! Xxx

    Claire 59

    I have a 16 and 13 year old girls and a 8 year old son. I just bit the billet and told them and that I’ve not been happy for a wail and they need same t.l.c. They had a good lough and joke but that was pretty much how it went for me, touch wood they have had better luck then me in that department any way. X

    Chloe 122

    Ive got a 14yr old son nearly 10yr old daughter and 2 little ones, they are on holiday with their dad wen I have My op, im more worred about my son tbh but I doubt he will ask my daughter might coz she Wil sometimes come in the bathroom but I will tell her, and when she is older if she is like me and wats it done I would support her, just like colouring my hair, what’s wrongwith a natural colour? Y do people change their hair colour, (i no this is a lot bigger than changing my hair was just an example) I won’t tell her as such only if she asks and I will tell her the truth, I am not ashamed or embarressed that im having it done and im doing it so I can wear clothes I want and be confident and I think confidence and doing what makes you happy is being a good role model in itself xx

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