Terrfied op booked 9th June!! Started by: Robyn

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  • Robyn 1

    Hi guys, got my op booked for the 9th of June im absoultly Terrfied, worry over the smallest thing! Is the pain that bad after? and do they feel real I have only been to the first consultation so haven’t discussed it all yet I’m just so worried help!! 🙂 xx

    Hayley 21

    Me too are you going to Preston? X

    Robyn 1

    oh im so scared are you staying over night? im going to the one in london xx


    Hi girls I was the same I was more scared about the injection putting me to sleep as I hate needles but the nurses were really gentle. I had unders and they say they are more painful I took co co damols every 4 hours slept a lot for the 1st four days that helped also used an ice pack when they were burning that helped also helped you have to try and think it will be worth it in the end 🙂 xxx I am now 5 weeks po and they feel really soft like real boobs I had 400cc which has took me to 34dd from a 32a

    Hayley 21

    No I’m just going in for the day wish I was staying over though for some peace and quite ha ha !! I’m really excited now can’t wait to see what they look like. What size you having x


    I’m also booked for the 9th in London! I’ll be staying overnight and am a bit nervous about that. Are you staying overnight Robyn?

    Sophie 20

    Hey Hun I had my surgery on Sunday morning, I had local and sedation rather than general. Out like a light and don’t remember a thing. Are you having unders or overs? I had partial unders 400cc HP. The worst pain so far has been one boob at the top today near my armpit – slept funny on top of all my pillows and think I’ve pulled a muscle or something! My boobs are fine it’s my back and armpit mainly haha! Xx

    Jess 4

    You will be absolutely fine Hun! It is nerve wracking because you don’t really know what to expect but the nurses are so lovely & friendly. When you wake up it’s just more uncomfortable than anything because you’re not used to these huge things on your chest!! For a few weeks they will be really hard as well but they soon go all squidgy like natural boobs 🙂 you have nothing to worry about… It’s a great experience!

    Jess x x

    Jess 4

    Also I second what Iram said… Ice packs are a god send! Definitely get one if u don’t have one (or two) already

    Jess x x

    Tracy 30

    I personally don’t think the pain is that bad! I had 350cc under’s last Wednesday and i only took painkillers on the first day but they made me really sick so i didn’t take anymore, i could have taken ibuprofen or paracetamol but i didn’t think the pain was that bad so didn’t take any. It just feels really tight like you’ve got a really tight bra on lol. Im now on day 6 and cant feel much, just cant use my arms as much or lift heavy things as then i can feel the pull on my chest. You have nothing to worry about though you will be well looked after. The pain does vary and everyone is different, i was fine but i have heard of some women being in agony. Everyones experiences are different though., no-one can say whether you will be in alot of pain or not. Hope this helps!! 🙂 xx

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