Hey girls! Does anyone know whether the 6 week check is 6 weeks after your BA or 6 weeks after you 1week post op!? I’m 3 weeks post op and when I had my 1 week with the nurse I just realised the “6 week check up” is actually booked 8 weeks after my actuall BA was. Had no problems on my 1 week, scars looked good, got told I could shower, sleep on side etc, so just wondered if she had mis calculated the date?! Wouldn’t normally mind but I’m due to go on holiday 3 days after the 6 ( actually 8) week check! So doesn’t leave me any time if there’s any problems to get my self sorted ( shopping lol). Know some girls get told after the 6 week check to still not swim, wear normal bras for another 2 weeks, so il be gutted if I get told that before I go on holiday?! Xx