The contraceptive pill and bottoming out? Started by: Emma b

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  • Emma b

    Hi everyone just wondered if anyone could explain bottoming out to me.been reading alot on here about it and not sure what it means?also due to have my BA in jan and have been told to stop taking contraceptive pill is this right?
    Thanks for your help xxx


    Bottoming out is we’re the implant drops out the pocket created for it, look at becky90’s pics (message her first) it’s quite rare for it to happen though, iv know around eight girls it’s happened too
    You should stop your pill two weeks before, as it thins your blood, and shouldn’t start until two weeks after
    Hope this helps xx

    Emma b

    Thankyou so can that happen with understand or overs.thanks for pill advice I thought 2 months seemed a long time?xx


    It can yes hun, it’s slightly more common with overs, and much more common if you have a very large (700+) implant, but it still doesn’t happen often
    Yea two months is, they say two weeks is enough time for it to be out your system xx


    Oh I’m a bit worried now as I asked my surgeon if I needed to stop my pill before op and he said no. Not sure what to do now. x

    minisha -1

    My op got moved due to Dr F not being able to do the 24th nov so they gave me other dates and the new date was only 10days before. Saw nurse 7 days before and at that point they said stop pill. So 2 weeks will just just fine 😀 xx

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