The day of the op Started by: Kimberley

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  • Kimberley 17

    Everyone that has had an op so far this year what did you take with you to your day surgery and were you allowed to take it all in one clear bag?

    Sophie 17

    Hey! I was told by the MYA nurse only a phone, charger, fresh clothes and my post op bra. But when the hospital nurse phoned me the day before she said could bring an iPad/tablet so I did take mine as well as AirPods and face wipes. I didn’t use a clear bag I took 2 bags and the hospital weren’t that strict they just asked me to keep the room tidy! X

    Kimberley 17

    Ahh ok… thank you

    Natalia 1

    Hey Kimberly Im new to group ? Do you mind me ro ask how you feel on your 1day post op ?

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by Natalia 1.
    Kimberley 17

    My surgery is next Tuesday Natalie but I will definitely let you know when tue day arrives x

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