The gym and unders Started by: Grainne Mears-Bullen

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    Just a little update as I said I would. I’m loving being back at the gym I’m loving my boobs. I’m 9wpo on Wednesday and had 450cc hp unders. Lat pull downs felt a bit weird when going heavy, anything pulling down does basically because it engages my chest. But apart from that it deadlifting back up to a decent weight and I’m bang back into it. Also look how nice and squishy my boobs are getting now. So gym girls who are worried about unders I really wouldn’t be. Takes a little time but we’re getting there! Also anyone interested in my post op weight loss journey or fitness in general I’ve got a fitness Instagram account I’ve had for a good while pre op lol so come say hey @cakesweightsandproteinshakes if you want any fitness tips or to see how I’m getting on shifting some extra lbs I’ve put on post op then come find me on insta! X

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    Great post, will add you on insta. I’m a lifter, but I’m having overs so may not be affected as much as if I were to have unders?
    They’re looking fab x

    Frankie 3

    Hey im a lifter too and having 450cc partials!! My surgery is booked 9th Feb. I’m worrying how much I’ll hate not being able to train for 8 weeks and conscious of putting on weight which I know a few lbs will be expected. I’ll just have to be 100% on the healthy eating ????. How did you find not training for 8 weeks?

    Helen 33

    Hiya, I’m also a lifter and have competitions planned for this season. Dreading not being able to work out, but have lots of walking planned to keep me active and try to keep my weight gain minimal., and I’ve done as much as I can Pre surgery. My PT has changed my plans to suit and as I haven’t had a break since the end of last season my body probably needs the down time! But still mentally not looking forward to not training lol. Will be listening to my body and my nurse and PT, first time I’ve listened to anyone, but not worth the risk. Roll on tomorrow Op day :0)


    @gmb1309 do you feel like you’ve lost much strength? x


    @frankiestone I thought I was bang on with my nutrition post op I ordered all my meals from everdine and made sure I didn’t eat too many ginger biscuits haha. But I still managed to pile on around 9lbs. Worth baring in mind the boobs weigh 2lbs though. Initially I hated not training. Then I was scared too. Then I just hated myself so got back into it and I’m honestly so surprised at how fine I am. I also have so much motivation from having an extended break.


    So exciting @helen399 good luck tomorrow. So important to do everything the surgeon and nurse says I really stick to the rules and honestly feel great for it. It will take time to get back to normal but it’s worth it.


    So deadlifts I was lifting 70kg and usually I lift 100kg but to be fair @gh81 I would say that’s actually kinda normal after having not done them for 8 weeks. Legs im literally 100% fine leg press, lunging, extensions all that. Biceps and triceps I’m also 100% it’s just going like lat pull downs where I’m feeling a bit uncomfortable. Also shoulder work has been ok but I’m at maybe 80% of my strength pre op, and rear delt work also feels kinda odd on my chest. I feel confident that I’ll get back up there though so I’m happy x


    @gmb1309 Thank you, that’s reassuring, don’t want to lose too much strength! I’m going to have to watch my post op diet, my office is always full of cakes and biscuits and has a ridiculous tuck shop! If I’m not moving much I’m going to have ramp up that will power!! x


    That’s the exact problem @gh81 although I think I adjusted my diet to accommodate the not training I don’t think I went far enough as I should have also taken into account the fact that I was literally a vegetable for a week and hardly moved, and the week following was still far far more sedentary than usual. But I know I can lose weight just need to be back on it now. X


    Yeah @gmb1309 it must be hard coz I imagine post op you really just want comfort food! I gain too easy if I do nothing and eat the wrong things so going to have to be mindful of that! x

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