There's unsupportive and there's just plain nasty Started by: Elisha

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  • Elisha 1

    Now, I knew that my family wouldn’t be happy about me having a BA, but they I never expected this…! My auntie for example has said that in being insensitive towards my nan (who has sadly suffered with breast cancer and had a mastectomy) and that she is so disgusted I’m having a BA that it makes her feel physically sick. I’ve told everyone that their opinions don’t matter to me and that im doing this for me and no one else, not even my husband (well, maybe a little bit for him!) 😉 I’ve also told them that I’m fed up with them all telling me what I can and can’t do with my body, ie tattoos, piercings and now my BA.
    Although I’ve paid my 50% deposit and am booked in for next Tuesday (July 1st) I’m seriously considering not going ahead just to get them off my back!!!
    Help me ladies, I need some reassurance…. :’-(


    Hun. Dnt let them put u dwn. At the end of the day u r doin it for u and for ur auntie to use ur nan to try and get u to back out is insensative. U will regret not goin thru with this. My mum was against ne havin it dun and sed sum harmful things but once i had it dun she realised how much i needed this. Plus u will lose alot of money. Xx

    Stephanie 1

    Hi, Elisha. I think it’s disgusting that they are using that as an excuse to have a to at you. As my grandma suffered this too. It’s your body, your choice and if they don’t like it then tough…….! As long as you and your husband are happy about it that’s the main thing. I wouldn’t let anyone put you down or change your mind. I say 100% go for it. Xx


    As long as you know you’re making the right decision then 100% have it done. If you don’t have it done you’ll only regret it and get you down. You’re not doing anything wrong by having it done, some people just don’t think before they speak xx

    Samantha 1

    You can’t let them decide for you, it’s not their place. Its your body to do with it as you wish. Being manipulated to cancel the procedure lets them win and encourages them to dictate to you. If this is something you really want, you should just do it, for no one else but yourself. Sometimes you have to put yourself first. xx

    Elisha 1

    Thank you ladies. I just can’t believe they would stoop so low. If they understood why I need this then they wouldn’t be saying this but how can I get them to understand? Xx

    Stephanie 1

    I don’t think some ppl will ever understand if it’s not happening to them Hun. And I wouldn’t try and make them. You know it’s what you want, that will make you happy, give you your confidence back make you feel like a woman again. If they can’t see this they aren’t worth trying to get to understand. Xx

    Elisha 1

    Thank you Stephanie, you are totally right. I’m almost 30 and for my relatives to try to control me, and trying by using guilt trips, is out of order. I don’t need that. And to use my nan too, I am actually disgusted, she means the world to me. Which is why my auntie has used her to try and manipulate me. Damn it! Family, can’t live with them, can’t live without them! Xxx

    Danielle 2

    Don’t let there opinions bother you your life no one else’s and I’m in next tunes as we’ll excited xxx

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