THEY ARE COMING HOME Started by: Brooke

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  • Brooke 45

    So, England might not be bringing the football trophy home but i’ll be coming home with some of my own footballs!! I have surgery booked for Sunday (world cup final day) and my admission time is 9am.
    Any idea what time my surgery is likely to be? Is there a system or anything like that? I am a day case.
    Also – any suggestions on things that I must not forget?!

    Mich 2

    Hey Brooke! My op is on the the same day at Fitzroy!
    who is your surgeon? xx


    I was told day cases get priority on the day

    Don’t forget sucking sweets & lip balm

    Beth 300cc 14

    Hi girls, I’m also booked in Sunday with Dr Sleiter! I have made a check list.. I’ll see if I can send over a screen shot of it.. We have a group chat going if you want to join just private message me your numbers x it’s brilliant for moral support x

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    Brooke 45

    I’m booked in with dr sleiter! I’m nervous but also can’t wait! I’d be interested in the group hun if we can arrange getting me added! Xx

    Brooke 45

    Thanks for the tips !!

    Lauren 54

    I had Dr Sleiter last Saturday! He’s fantastic.
    If your admission is 9 I’d say you’ll likely be down somewhere between 11 and 1 depending on how they go.
    When you get to Fitzroy reception, the receptionist will have a theatre schedule in front of her that she’ll tick you off on, try to have a sneaky peak at that as it’s your place in the queue as it were. Factor in each surgery being around 45 mins if standard BA. Time for Dr Sleiter to see the next patient to mark them up, time for him to check on other patients post op etc and this should give you a good indication of when you’ll go down.
    I was so lucky, my admission was 07.30 and I was first on the theatre schedule so went down at roughly 08.40.
    Good luck with your surgery girls, Dr Sleiter is truely lovely. Xx

    Beth 300cc 14

    Thanks Lauren. Mines also at 7:30 so I’m hoping I’ll be one of the first ones! Fingers crossed x

    Brooke 45

    That’s good to know thank you so much Lauren! My friend is taking me and her boyfriends hosting a bbq for the World Cup final so I hope that I don’t hold them back haha! X

    Lauren 54

    You’re welcome! Good luck girls x

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