Things I will need? Started by: Amy

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  • Amy 36

    Hey girls, I’ve just ordered myself a v pillow and a bed wedge hoping this will help me be a little comfier afterwards, sleeping is the only thing that actually bothers me. I keep reading posts and writing things down that people have found helpful PO. I really want to make things as easy as possibly for myself which is why I’ve started buying stuff now so I’m not stressing and flapping around last minute. Have any of you girls wished you had taken something to hospital? Or had at home when you’ve returned? If you could let me know what’s best to take that would be such a huge help, thankyou xx

    Nikitta 57

    if your having overnight stay take munch with you! I had a sandwich as the hospital which didn’t cut it so sent my other half to get me crisps, dairylea dunkers and a box of grapes haha.

    Maybe stock up on bottles of flavoured water to keep bedside when your at home… saves you getting up to get a drink. I found having grapes to munch on all day at home was nice too lol xxx

    Nikitta 57

    I had no trouble moving my arms after my surgery but just in case have a night dress as it’d be easier to go to the toilet as I’ve heard some girls struggled to pull their trousers up when going to the loo xxx

    Amy 36

    Aww thankyou so much for the advice, I love grapes so that is a must haha! Il stock up on water and plenty of nibbles for when I come home xxx

    Amy 36

    Yeah I read this, some poor girl had to get her mum to pull up her knickers I saw. I’m really hoping it’s not this bad for me, i totally understand everyone is different, I can’t decide whether to go for a night dress or button up and pjs! Maybes il just get both lol I’m sure they’ll come in handy at some point. Thanks again xxx

    Amy 36

    *button up pjs

    Livvy 8

    Dress is a good idea but personally how I’ve been wouldn’t manage to get my arms in can’t stretch or lift them at the moment. Button up pjs so good cos you can put them on and off easily but I did have to get my mum to pull mine down and up when I went to the loo cos the waistband was a bit tight haha but I could manage my pants at least…I’ve had to get my mum to flannel my armpits today I couldn’t reach them and can’t shower yet, I do feel like a baby at the moment! x

    Amy 36

    Aw yeahh this is what I was worried about! So maybes some button up pjs in a bigger size so I’m comfy! Luckily my mum is also going to come stay with me for a few days so I manage. I also have a 6 year old daughter I’m starting to wonder if I should arrange childcare for a few days after the op. It sounds a lot more painful than I thought. It’s crazy what us girls put are selfs through haha! I’m honestly just so excited, i can’t wait to finally be happy with myself and see the results. Happy healing I hope things get a better for you soon Hun xx

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